Hello. Thinking of getting one of these, and also poss a cf cover for the horizontal belt cover. Any recommendations for where / who to buy from and also approx how long to fit (as in Labour charges I would likely incur from a "local garage" rather than main dealer as I'll not be taking this on and messing it up)? Thx any advice, Andrew.
Don't waste your money by getting a dealer to do it, its fairly straightforward to do it yourself, there's not much to go wrong...assuming you're half decent with a spanner. I seem to recall I had to remove the front wheel to fit my CF front mudguard ,but changing the belt cover is simples!
Cheers. Getting it done by independent chap , as have a few bits to be "made good" after I dropped it, so he'll do these bits and pieces also. He's a very fair / decent chap, so I'm not worried bout getting ripped. Plus tbh I'm not half decent with a spanner (left arm disabled in effect). Thx for response though - least I know it shouldn't take someone who knows what they're doing too long!
Front mudguard requires front wheel and brake calipers off I discovered this week, I bet Ducati RnD had a good laugh about that a few years back. Also took my CF belt covers off, they came with the bike, the vertical was a real bitch to get out, it's a lot thicker/deeper than the plastic OEM, or at least mine is, don't know what make they are. Mine are snapped in half where the last monkey must have over tightened or lost their temper fitting it.
I got my cf front mudguard from Tony at Carbonmoto. Quality is spot on and it fits like a glove! I'm ultra fussy about all these things too. Definitely need to take the front wheel off but it's no big deal. Not a great photo but you should be able to see the quality.
Apols - a further question if poss. To save money by only getting the vertical cam belt cover, am I likely to encounter any problems 're fitment, or are the 3 covers totally separate and not "related" / dependant on one another?