Remember - you cannot spell "seriously" without spelling an anagram of Elise. :Bucktooth::Sorry::Eggonface: I mean that most sincerely.
Oxycodone. After a couple if it is still bothering you then simply remove offending digit with blunt pain.
Sorry Dude.... My brother (Who had the off last year) is currently in hospital. Ear infection last week. No doctors, so went to walk in center...back and fourth a few times, now in hospital on a drip. Our NHS is NOT a 24/7 service....or if it is then it drops off rapidly outside of the working week. It shouldn't be possible to notice the difference on a bank holiday or weekend. Our illnesses do not follow the 40 hour week!!
Don't be sorry. Bloke in work gets proper tablets, I get pain killers and told to be a vegetarian. My opinion on the doctors is controversial. I don't agree with the strikes. I understand there are 2 sides to the story, but in principle, the medical profession is about patient care and treatment, not strikes. I'm not sure the nurses would get as much support if they striked. Hope your brother gets better soon.