1199 Mh Racing

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by SimonT, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. Has anyone used MH Racing for suspension fettling (or recommend someone in the south west)?
  2. Louigi moto (rich llewelyn) south Bristol way
  3. (MH) Dour, Eeyore bugger, but Knows his stuff...:upyeah:
  4. You've got JHS on your doorstep, there's plenty of people on here who recommend their services, me being one of them :upyeah:
  5. I've used mark lots of times for suspension work miserable as sin but very good.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. I have used him for servicing in the past and Chris for dyno work, didn't realise he was up there on suspension as well.

    There is something about JHS that doesn't inspire confidence plus was looking for someone where suspension was their bread and butter.
  7. Any reason?
    #7 MattM, Mar 28, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2016
  8. JHS did the Ohlins on my little 675R and they were epic....

    James even took the time to show me round the workshop.
  9. +1 for JHS. They serviced, recommended a change to a KTech spring because Ohlins didn't make it any more and set up my 748R Ohlins exactly to my taste. Even free posted them back to me a week after I dropped them off and had a chat with James. Andy
  10. He races and builds race bikes, he knows about most stuff especially Ducati
  11. Maybe doing them a dis-service.....

    Anyone had their pani suspension sorted out by James?
  12. There was a chap recently who went there with his 1299s and came back singing their praises, I'll see if I can find the thread...
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. Cheers
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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