I'm too fast for the novice group and I know I'm not good enough to be in the fast group. This leaves me, like many others with the inters.. I've done a number of track days and always find the inters group a fascinating one. I think it has the biggest mix of skill level ranging from those who think they're amazing and are actually sh*t, those that think they're sh*t and actually should be in the fast group and then the average boys. This mix I actually think is pretty dangerous.. I saw countless chimps binning their bikes left right and centre! Some truly heroically bad riding and lines by some and others that were mega fast... Do we think this group attracts the biggest knobbers because they don't want to be in the novice group? "Er yeah mate I've got an r1 I'm well fast init" type thing? what's everyone's experience of the renowned intermediate group?! @royalwithcream etc
It comes down to knowing your own limits if you think you're amazing your going to crash! I've been in all three groups and quickly found out that group 3 wasn't for me. In my opinion it comes down to knowing your limits and admit there's always going to be someone faster than you what ever group your in just enjoy your day. I wrote on my top yoke DRLAT (don't ride like a twat) and I've done pretty well in the inters so far.
Inters always been a bit of a lottery group, I always feel that the spread of talent (or ambition) is a bit too wide
Speaking from the experience of 1 whole day a fortnight ago. 0 crashed in novice. Didn't see any fast group crashes. Loads of inter crashes, especially in the first 3 laps of each session.
Isn't that just life, I mean people in general. Some are realistic, some are humble or not so confident and some are idiots who think they are amazing and for some reason can not face reality.
I think novice and inters are both a lottery and have had bad experiences of both and have asked to move groups for my own safety,always thought early in the year track days are a bit hectic but as the months pass they become more mellow and enjoyable.
I felt safer once I moved up to Inters from novice. That's a few years ago now (6?), since I've done a track day so perhaps things have changed.
Novice can be scary as well, I remember my first track day a few years ago and some of the lines and braking points can catch you of guard - you really need to give a WIDE berth. If you can get on a chrono day then you should get at least 2/3 of your day in the right group with people of a similar pace.
You've made a fairly accurate summary imo. If I know the track I'll always go in group 3. But I'm nowhere near 'top boy' Probably mid pack at best. The trouble is with group 2 its the 'comfort' group, the group most people go for. I often used to find I'd catch up with a big bunch of riders and it would mess up my session. When in group 3 nearly everyone knows what they're doing so when a quick rider passes you he'll pass you cleanly. And the really, really quick riders are good to watch as they take that corner with impossible speed!! My advise would be if you're in the top 20% of group 2 then take a cheeky jump into group 3. You'll get much more clear/quality track time. Enjoy!
The dynamic of every group on any individual track day will vary from day to day. I have seen carnage in every group and equally no carnage
It's so hard to say what percentage of the inter group you are though ! Every day is different and as said before you get some really quick boys in inters as well as some snotters. So one day I could be the quickest and another I could be average.. I was one of the quickest on a bike with number plates on at my last track day. And was quicker than some on track bikes, but then I know I'm a lot slower than the fast group chaps
Its not easy being in between groups but my suggestion is if you don't get upset by being passed regularly go to the more advanced group. they really should call the groups Novice 1-5 days done, Inters 5-12 days done and Experienced group for those who have done more. because who says what is Fast , as a fast track day rider will sale pass a fast road rider, A fast club rider will sale past a track day rider and then you have the proper fast boys BSB, WSB, Moto GP paddocks ,
I don't really have much of an ego and am happy with people overtaking me. From a safety aspect though I don't like it when I've got like 3 bikes at once charging past me left right and centre mid corner.. Which I have seen in the fast group because they tend to be that much quicker mid corner ...
Depends on the day. Ducati days tend to be slower, as it's mostly pride and joy riders, so great way to try advanced group. (Odd exception applies..!) happy in fast with my multi Focussed seem average as they tend to be TD riders. Would prob go inters with my multi and fast 'proper bike' No limits faster because half at least are racers, would easily consider inters although prefer fast because less danger of others not knowing lines. As I've not raced for a few years. Issue with inters is very few seem to know how to pass a rider. On my race monster, 50hp and I could do a group of riders (all following each other) in a single corner because of their lack of either confidence or knowledge. IME
I'm by no means what I call fast but now always go experienced group, I know the right lines and am fairly consistent so its the safest place to be .
Bugger! you guys have me worried now!!! Ive entered my 1st track (Ducati)days this year.... I thought I'd play safe and not be too big headed and therefore entered the novice class!
Don't ride like a twat, make sure the bike is up together and let the tyres warm up and you'll be fine.......
Yesterday at Donnington was a funny one as there's a race on tomorrow, so a lot of the racers had booked into the track day. In fairness to NoLimits, they knew this so ran 4 groups (novice, Inters FastA and Fast2) However, the fast groups booked up quickly, so a lot of the racers were in inters with me. Also, there was a few guys in Novice on full race litre bikes lapping around 1:40, which made for interesting watching as some guy tiptoed around Goddards whilst someone screamed around the outside of them going 30mph quicker. I made a quick video of one of my sessions if anyone's interested. My times are getting better, but going under 1:50 is still alluding me by around 2 seconds New Gyro cam mount works well though Skip to about 5 mins to avoid queuing and warm up lap