So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. When the car is fixed from the paint shop go view it and ask - has this door been damaged previously? You'll be fine :D
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Hahaha - ask Chizel cos he met me this afternoon- I'm chilled! Trouble is I've always had a very short fuse when it comes to liberty taking time wasting punters.They should be hunted down like foxes
  3. Yes Sir.
  4. I went out to meet some biker friends and was the only one to show up on a bike, going through Upton on the way home was a bad idea, muggins here got into very unfamiliar territory and decided that a U turn in a side street was the thing to do. Too narrow, no bother I will use that drop curb, oooohh B*****d. Bikes going down, I abandon ship.

    Nobody comes to help although some curtains twitch a bit and this bike is 3x my weight, upyabugger...

    Damage report
    Left mirror housing, hand guard and pannier mount all scratched. Nothing broken. No funny smells or fluid leaks.

    That's my good luck used for a while... Im a Silly git sometimes...
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  5. We all do the dafty sometimes. Remind me to tell you why it's important to remember whether the sidestand is up or down when taking the bike off a paddock stand.

    Glad you weren't too severely punished.
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  6. Many happy returns. :) Hmm, maybe that wouldn't be such a good thing for you. :Facepalm: Happy birthday. :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Which Upton is that?
  8. West Yorkshire between Doncaster and Wakefield.
  9. If we are honest? We've all done it
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  10. I will prob set fire to it if he does that
  11. ah.
    not oxfordshire, then.
  12. Today I have mostly been defusing a situation caused by a client making outrageous claims in the market place.
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  13. Not a nice day today.....MRI on my liver and spleen,hated the machine,it was noisey and made me really claustrophobic. Fingers crossed for good news!! :Meh:
    • Agree Agree x 9
  14. Today I was woken up a 9.00am by some mad Greek guy phoning on a nutty Jet Ski (80 MPH!!!) that I've got advertised - pissed me right off cos my alarm was set for 10.30am as this is my normal morning rise time.Anyway - I gave Stavros my address and he said he would be coming about lunchtime today so I went back to my vivid dream about being marooned on a desert island with Kelly Brook - 45 mins later Stavros is buzzing at my door and I hadn't even finished the part about eating the banana blindfolded with my hands tied behind my back! Anyway after about a 15 minute conversation about how terrible the Bubble economy is and how shit things are back home we had a well mannered haggle and barter.He met his match cos he only wan aged to chip me £200 and I got all of that plus another £75 for the towing trailer that I was gonna let him have anyway? I'm pleased not only because it made good money but more pleased it's gone cos I knew come summer I would have been straight down to Hayling, giving it billy big potatoes and probably (definitely!) mortally injuring my tired old body.Thank god
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Yeah it's not very pleasant - I don't normally perspire now that I'm 12/13 stone lighter! It must be some sort of mental thing cos it pours out of me soon as I know I'm going in? I got rushed in on a blue light about 10 days ago after bringing up and passing a lot of blood (TMI Sorry!) and they kept me in 48+ hours - loads of tests and I could see the glances they were giving each other so I just came right out and said " I'm nearly 60 not a child! Stop the knowing looks and include me in the conversation cos I'm here!"
  16. Forgot to say! I wish you all the best with the shit you are going through Jen,fight the brave fight and never never stop fighting it.Xxx
    • Love You Love You x 1
  17. Hope all is ok with you!! Thank you for the well wishes too :)
  18. Yes thanks - my little princess is getting married on 25th August this year and I've been ordered not to croak before then so I can walk her down the isle!She is nudging the 50K mark so I've told her any higher and it will prob be a heart attack that claims me?
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  19. These days, I am walking around the garden on a daily basis. You'd be surprised how much it changes from one day to the next. Daffs are now open, and the first tulip. Really looking forward to seeing the peach tree which is threatening to break out in pink blossom. It was a twig in a pot about 3 years ago, 4 max. Last year there was one flower and it produced one tiny (and excellent) peach. This year, it looks as if it's going to do a proper flowering. All rather exciting!
    The bluetits have been eyeing up my nesting box, but are yet to move in. They will though. They do every year.
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  20. I was in Camden,London this bank holiday Monday just gone,trees down everywhere,scaffolding,garden shed roofs blown off and advertising hoardings collapsed after the storms on Sunday! What amazed me were the hundreds and hundreds of stunning Daffodils standing proud in beautiful bright colours and not one had suffered as a result of the winds? Hardy little buggers
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