999 Hows Yours Doing?

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by 900streetfighter, Feb 28, 2016.

  1. No. Bernard is a bit of a mate of mine. If anyone in the world is going to drop your bike, he's the bloke you'd choose. He also binned my 916 20 years ago and made good on his promise to make it better than new, so I can't say I'm remotely worried about a standstill tumble. I've dropped it twice myself from a standstill - fortunately never whilst it's been moving.
  2. OK, that's understandable.

    But still ... you'll kill him?
  3. Just been for my first proper ride of the year in decent weather, smashing here in Lincs.
    Had an Oberon clutch slave cylinder fitted earlier in the year and this is the first time I've really appreciated what a good mod this is, feather light clutch pull compared to what it was...highly recommended.

    DSC_0850.JPG DSC_0848.JPG DSC_0851.JPG

    Next thing on my 'to do' list is to fit some gold Dymag wheels.:sunglasses:
    #23 yellowducmaniac, Apr 2, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2016
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