Your forum name why?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Freak, Oct 19, 2012.

  1. Curious really what brought you to choose your forum name, I know a few and I can guess a few others.

    FREAK for example came years ago, before I started posting on forums I may add. A close friend of mine (Mike @Rage Designs) around at his house as I often used to be having a laugh etc and his now x-wife was the brunt of one of our jokes (poor thing she often was) and she turned around after being royally wound up and professed I was a freak of nature!

    Thus the name stuck..

  2. ummm it's my name
  3. I thought long and hard about and then just used my name :upyeah:
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  4. "mattmccabebrown" was already taken so I chose my usual nickname instead.
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  5. My friends nicknamed me it years ago when we went on a scuba diving trip to the Philippines. Can't remember if it was cos I was like a bull in a china shop at the time, or not as it was 25 years ago. :smile:
  6. [​IMG]

    I miss you, little Four...:frown:

    Terrifying tankslappers, shit brakes & an engine sound that vibrated stuff off my garage workbench at tickover :biggrin:

    I will never forgive myself. :frown::frown:
    #6 470four, Oct 19, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2012
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  7. Timberwolf as my dog is a wolf/german shepherd cross. Sarloos wolfdog. :smile:
  8. That's quite a crossbreed. German shepherd bitch that got a better offer, or a g/s dog that was punching well above his weight? :wink:

    Sorry for OTness. I have to know. :biggrin:
  9. Juz is what I've always used on forums. It does bear a resemblance to my name too :smile:
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  10. Cause I am the Duke of Barmby :biggrin:
  11. Part of my surname that I've always used in video game high score tables (from the 80s when you could only have 3 letters).
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  12. Hell for Helsinki .. I love Finland and wish I could just go there and live forever .
    Cat because I like Katanas and had a little grey import one .
    I'm a dog person :) but catlike in the sense I'm fiercely independent , like laying about in warm places and rubbing things :)
  13. It's ok I don't mark my territory or pee up stuff and I am toilet trained :)
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  14. Hyabusa47

    because the first big bike I owned after a 600 was a hayabusa 2000 model, aware some bit of bike and secondly the best ever I've owned and lastly 47, it's my house number....simple.
  15. Simple....because this year I've really gotten into cycling and my road bike is a Bianchi...

    ...and my mountain bike is a Specialized, but that didn't sound so good as an alias :biggrin:
    #15 Bianchi, Oct 19, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2012
  16. Its such a beautiful name too :upyeah:
  17. I am a notorious over-eater, in a job a VERY long time ago the boss bought a toaster for the boys, I took a loaf of bread in every day and the 'chaps' decided that I should be known as toastmuncher.
  18. Birdie , well the girls can't leave me alone, I'm a natural girlie magnet.

    Or perhaps it relates to my surname, Birds.
  19. Because I am a ....................
  20. My favourite hobby besides bikes and my date of birth. Rather boring really, sorry :-(
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