17th October 2014.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RichieW, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. The day started out as any other Friday. Get up, get ready for work and help my heavily pregnant wife out with our two year old daughter. Our second child, a son, was due beginning of November. A fortnight's time.

    My trip to work in Milton Keynes was my usual cycle ride. Ten minutes on the red ways and I'd be at the office. I often called my brother at this time (if I chose to walk) as anytime between 8am and 9am was a good time to catch him before work. He was younger than me by 15 months. We were not just brothers but best pals and had a great deal in common. He played guitar and I, the drums. We loved music, mostly Rock and Blues, sailing, travelling and of course, bikes. We had grown up on them and ridden since we were old enough to walk. One of our Dad's favourite passions was always destined to become one of our own.

    I did not call Bruv on this particular morning. He had recently become a Dad, his first. A little boy of 5 months. He was absolutely made-up and took to fathership as he had to motorcycling, a natural.

    My morning at work came and went. I was booked on a course I recall, Adobe Illustrator in order to progress my creative marketing acumen... Lunchtime arrived and I decided to pop home on the bicycle for a sandwich and some lunch with my wife and daughter as I was lucky enough to be able to do so.

    It wasn't until I was home that I noticed a missed call from Bruv's wife. He'd been married no more than a year. A social call I thought. We'll be arranging a weekend together so that Bruv and I could compare fatherhood notes whilst necking some distinctly average vino tinto. It was Friday after all.

    I called Bruv's wife. "Hi Rich. There's been an accident. Your brother went on the Fireblade to work this morning. I'm sorry..."
  2. a wee wake up call.
    thanks for posting. i genuinely hope you and yours are coping and moving forward.
  3. So sorry.
    We are all so vulnerable
  4. What a Moving post, sorry for your lose and I hope this post made you feel that tiny bit better, it must of taken some doing to write that.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Life is such a bitch sometimes, indescribably sad...
  6. Oh Richie that's sad :(
    Sending you a massive ducbird hug
  7. Thank you finm. Much appreciated.
  8. Truer words were never spoken.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Hi ZX,
    I wrote the post against my better judgement and in a decidedly low state of mind. I had thought about posting before on a few occasions but couldn't.
    I think writing something down did help for a time. A year and a half on from the accident my outlook on life is once again brighter however the anger, grief and despair are never far away.
    There are no words.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Thank you DB.
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