You, Your Job An You!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyt749, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. I'm a cunt
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • WTF WTF x 1
  2. b61f9dd0c560ee42819aa5b41430d2a7.png
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  3. Well that's straight to the point.... is that your job, your hobby or something else
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  4. Or all of the above :smileys:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. They are still finding bits of Bertie Smalls in Marbella old town harbour
  6. I have been called that and worse while driving buses, used to be a motor mechanic, engine builder and a 3.5 year stint as a Lab Technician at a Calibration lab... Strangely, bus driving is the best paid job I have had, but the pay is the only good thing.

    I keep a look out for any machinist jobs with training in my area, not much about.
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  8. Best Hockey player I've ever seen.
  9. When "Bertie Boy" decided to turn QE and grass up all his lifelong mates that he grew up with - my mates dad along with 6 others was found guilty as charged on Smalls evidence and just before they were led down from the dock to the cells underneath the court they all burst into song! - "we-ll meet again,don't know where?dont know when?..................... Sounds like they might've been right!
  10. In Yorkshire? I hope they dont send you on the country road runs, that'll be torture, do you still lean when goin round the bends,
    I've only been up as far as Sheffield on the bike, and I've heard some of the best British roads up there?
  11. I managed to beg it off an old timer in Holland just before Christmas last year at about 55% of market value and have been offered big profits but it ain't for sale! I've wanted and waited all my motorcycling life to own a Vincent and I promised the old Dutchman I wouldn't knock it on for a profit - I keep him updated with photos and what rides I've taken her on.I have my solemn word and I won't break that! Plus he's also got a Brough Superior!
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  12. Not any more he hasn't :Smuggrin:
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  13. It is torture in the country areas on a nice day when all the bikes are out except mine :Facepalm:
    One biker nearly fell off the other day, it must have shocked him pretty hard when a bus stopped the traffic to let him out of a petrol station:)
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  14. I work in a warehouse.Shit money.Should have stopped looking out of the window when I was at school and paid attention,oh well.I certainly don't own afleet of bikes,if people do,then good luck to them.
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  15. Hahaha - I would rather be an Arthur Daley "type" as you put it - at least he was a sharp dresser and had a bit of style? How can you only have £50 of shoes and £100 of clothes? Most homeless people have a better wardrobe than that!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. You gotta start loving yourself chap
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Awesome, some here told me you had the Shadow? Well done fella, nice to see a bike being used and loved, i'll PM you some picks of the rarest Cortina there is.......... I sold it a few years ago for a restoration to a ford tech, he broke it an used shell to make lotus Cortana, there was only 8 mk2 1500GT's left in the register and mine was the oldest! He was purely looking for money and most people think lotus is best seller........
  18. the dumass bought a massive house when really he should be thinking of downsizing.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  19. I will buy some more socks :(
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Love You Love You x 1
  20. I work in IT. No interest in computers or Tech though. Best bit is I get to work from home so most mornings I walk my son to school, that's always the highlight of my day. Working from home also means no commute time so extra family/garage time. Lunch hours are spent fiddling with the bikes rather than talking bollox with people I don't particularly like in a staff canteen.

    Married 4 years to my fitness instructor from the gym. She's now moved out of the fitness industry and earning more than me but still proper fit :).

    1 son of 6 and a step daughter of 15.

    Average wages, average house in a stupidly expensive town. Just got the mortgage under control so spending excess on bikes.

    Hate sitting on the sofa. Part of my midlife crisis at 42. Life is going by to quickly to watch others have fun when I can still be doing it myself.

    Eyes failing slowly, was always hoping I'd go deaf first.
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