You, Your Job An You!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyt749, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. Hi all after some good banter I was blue lighted into southmead Bristol, I'm now bed only for my back, could be a while before thee bike v
    get:Sorry::Sorry:s riden again, keep the thread going, gives us something to read and smile again
  2. Triathlons are an addictive game. I raced for a few years too. Did ironman a couple of times as well. Had to knock it on the head to due health and potential for divorce, but still work in the industry
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  3. That's shit :( - hope you escape soon :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 2

  4. Yikes, not good, hope you are in the mend soon. With regards to the original topic,

    I'm technical manager (as well as new product / bespoke design and development ) for an LED lighting company.

    It's a fast paced environment, and I'm extremely optimistic for the future. My ten year plan is to self build a house (this years goal is just to buy a place!) and add significantly to the bike collection, which currently sits at five bikes. I also loosely plan to buy something to ride down to my folks in Spain, but it won't be part of the collection and will be sold upon my return.

    My ultimate goal will see my current collection joined by a Norton F1, I'd also love to have an NR750, but that is a long long way off. I consider myself exceptionally fortunate to have the bikes I do have.
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  5. All the best to you andy for a speedy and hassle free recovery.:upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Oh pants!!! :(
    Get yourself better soon
    Bikes will still be there :Kiss:
    • Love You Love You x 1
  7. Hope things start to "look up" soon Andy
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Yeah I'm sure the operation will be OK , need to get back and fit Exige's belts yet, I've been reading @comfysofa hypermotard thread and may I'll spend 6 mths stripping and minting my bike then getting the Hyper, bit more up right but still possible to keep up with most of you!
    This year I will! Be riding and attending the meets to meet as many of you as possible,
    Anyway back to bit of thread my son popped in today on his way back from London and the Antony Joshua right apparently his ticket cost was £49 a minute!!!!!! Told him that he can treat me to the British MotoGP for my 40th, ........ Have a great evening
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  9. Did an Olympic distance a couple of years back in Ripon, that was my last one. It was a glorious red hot day. In fact it was the day those 3 SAS lads on selection died on Brecon with heat exhaustion.
    I'd love to have a crack at the Ironman but I've never had the time for the training program. It's ridiculously time consuming! Six hours training a day towards the end, no chance. Yeah, divorce number 2 coming up!
    I do like the training but I'm a shite swimmer :tongueclosed: Cheers, Paul.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Loved doing triathlon but never did ironman, with small children and working I never had the time to train for the distance races. But my knees are knackered now hence why I was pretty hacked of by an out of control skier taking me out on the slopes and my twisting my knee. I am a programme manager on a big procurement project, I love it. Love all three bikes but may go down to just two this year, they just don't get ridden enough.
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  11. I play the piano in the whore house
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Work in the Motor Trade, Our Italian Bikes Italian Cousins on 4 wheels
    Been doing this for about 17 years and I enjoy it most days
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  13. I fix your stuff... IT, telecoms and printers/copiers.
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  14. Left school with a few gcse's and went to college to study maths and physics with a plan to design roller coasters(I'm not sure why, just seemed cool at the time) ended up dropping out and going to work in a bike shop, then a few pubs before working with people with severe autism and learning difficulties for about 5 years. That was interesting and I'm glad I did it but unfortunately the money just isn't enough to live off.
    About a year ago I decided offshore oil rigs is where I want to be so saved up and paid for all my tickets and am now working in an oil refinery and trying to make connections to get out there.
    Hobbies include cycling, climbing, running and karate, as well as drinking too much beer. The beer probably doesn't help with any of my other hobbies but it's fun to have fun.
    At 29(despite what my profile says) I have just bought my first house so am now trying to renovate that and hopefully building a workshop in the next year or so to start a project bike.
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  15. Good luck matey. Bloody bad timing for getting offshore. I'll guess you're a rope access/NDT guy? My brother went down this route when he came out the Navy. He's still offshore but they all took a 20% pay cut. Ouch...
  16. keep aiming at your 5 year plans, with the driven and passion that you have and Ducati ownership that gives you the "never give up" attitude you will succeed, the only issue I see is the oil industry, my brother in law is chief global bidder up in Aberdeen and he's now changed his plan to get out in next 5 years, he has said that the riches in the industry will never come bac, I'm sure you'll get what's best for you, good luck
  17. Cranes actually, banksman/slinger.
    I am thinking of going for rope access and mechanical joint integrity just to add to my list of qualifications, and I've been told rope access/grinding is a good combo to have so might throw that in there as well.
    Thing is its about the same price as full skydiving course and I've been promising my self that for years too.
  18. Get your level III rope access if you can. It'll take some hours but worth it in the long run. A lot of oil/gas permitry dictates the presence of a level III. Money for old rope... Dya geddit?? Old 'rope' Ahhh, well.... I'll get me coat.... Good luck fella :laughing:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. I though people just threw them out and bought new ones :Wideyed:
  20. They're not the proper people, they're office stationary suppliers masquerading. We have training, certificates and everything [emoji6]
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