I took my rad off today. I can see the wet patch but no actual hole ? Can someone ms paint an arrow to where it is leaking or show a pic of their repairs ? Much appreciated
It wont be a hole, but just a small split where the weld has gone, comes out a lot when running but not when not (at least mine did)
It will be here: Cover it with a bit of soapy water, and with the cap on cover one pipe inlet. using a bit of rubber attach an airline to the other hose hole and you will see the bubbles.
Mine has just gone. I can see moisture from the top row of fins on the core, but haven't removed it yet for a proper look. My new rad should be here tomorrow, so I'll take it off then and have a look. Have you tried a soapy water test? Get some fairy liquid with water in a bowl. Block the bottom hose outlet off, leave the radiator cap on and put some pressure into the radiator with a compressor. Brush the water / washing up liquid around the suspect area and you should see it bubble where air is escaping.
Thank you Bob T. I don't have the facilities to do this test so I will just epoxy that whole area you circled for me .
Epoxy worked for me but not as in Araldite, but the epoxy metal that you mix together. As I don't expect it to stick very well, it is under pressure, I also put a thin bit of aluminium along that part with the epoxy gluing it on and held it in place with two short bits of locking wire through the radiator fins. I expect it to last forever. I was out all day today, and it was 25c here, with no sign of any problems.
I had the common one on my 848. It's at the bracket that a split occurs and next thing you know you've got lots of coolant down your LH fairing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It was such a common issue that i'm sure they will have a new part for the later bikes (evo included). Mine was a 58 plate 848.
They do have an updated part number, so you would expect they have been modified. Mine went last weekend on an 08 plate 1098R. I'm going to try a pattern part for how much they cost. If it's no good, I'll go for one of these, rather than chance the same amount of money on the historically weak Ducati part.
There are two part numbers for the Ducati part and I believe that one of them is modified in this area. Having said that mine is a 2010 non EVO bike and it went. Not sure that I would spend nearly $1000 and then p&p to get one from the states though.
The thing is Bob, the Ducati part is £650 (£500 with discount). The uprated one is £640 once you convert from $. I'd happily pay a little more for some peace of mind. There's always a way with customs Plus, everybody loves bling ! Plus Ducati have been arsey about this imo. They know it's a problem but haven't tried to help me one bit. My dealer offering me discount is as close as it got.
So you are saving £10 against the (assumed) uprated one from Ducati, and hoping customs don't catch you, but what about postage? I have found that US companies charge a fortune. I am with Nelson on this, if my repair had not worked then a Chinky one would have done for less than £100 inc p&p.
Don't worry about me Bob. And as I said above, my new radiator (Chinky one) arrives today for considerably less than £100. But I'm not prepared to give Ducati £500 for their part. They seem to be the only ones people are having problems with, updated or not. You have more faith in them than I do.