Unit Find

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by beresford, Apr 11, 2016.

  1. Hi all . Found my first unit /barn find the other month .
    I couldn't let it sit there and rot away. I managed to get it ,and get it home . I don't know much about it ,had a look at few pic of 1960 ducati. It's in need of full restoration and engine and it's in a bad way . I will try and upload a pic . If anyone could help with model it will be much appreciated. Thanks andy Screenshot_2016-04-11-16-56-02.png
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  2. You're a better man than me, as much as I would like an old single I think I would have left that one in the barn, good luck and keep us up to date with progress.
  3. Left parked overnight in Manchester?

    Good luck!
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Thanks . Will keep you posted .
  5. You know Manchester well lol.
  6. Not really went there once for someone's wedding and that's it really. Just succumbing to stereotype and of course admiration at your project - looks a biggie.
  7. Best give Time Team a call, never know, might turn out to be a Roman villa.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Bet you were glad for the road home lol . Once pulled apart and bits sent out . Won't be so bad
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