1200 DVT Multistrada App

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Brakes508, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. I remember reading and seeing "some chatter" a while back about the app in beta form with an invite needed to download it. Does anyone know if it's been rolled out yet? Picking mind up a week on Saturday (hurry up already!) But can't find anything on the android app store! any info appreciated.
  2. Yes, its available. I downloaded mine from the Apple App Store. Maybe Android is different, and you may be able to install it from elsewhere, but definitely available on Apple.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Thanks, anyone got a link for Android or know if it's up and running yet??
  4. Check the andoid store out
  5. The link was on the main uk ducati site but android not available a month ago
  6. It don't work though!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Looked on android store and nothing there! Anyone know if is due for release on android? Is it worth having on iPhone? Just curious if it's worth having.
  8. I got the apple one loaded and synched with the bike, but it didn't record any data when I got back from my ride. Will have to try and fiddle with it again.
  9. I didn't quite see the point of it
    More like an an evidence collector if you were having a spirited ride out
  10. As is a GPS; giving date, time, location and speed. It's all in the track-log.

    Having said that these clever little devices aren't infallible, this is a screen grab off of my old StreetPilot 2720.


    Over Mach 3 on a VFR! :sunglasses:
  11. yup don't have a GPS either , prefer the old skool method :)
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