1200 Pillion For A Week - Gs, S1000xr Or Multi?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Dave, Jul 10, 2015.

  1. Thanks @Spareparts - and what about 2-up?
  2. Just set ESA to 2-up mode. It raises the rear by what feels like an extra 0.5"+

    The adjustable suspension is part of what makes the GS so versatile, and ensures handling 2-up/fully loaded is less compromised compared to other similar bikes.

    Adjusting the seat between normal/lower/front tilt/rear tilt also makes a difference depending on your height/inside leg: it's the difference between feeling like you are sitting 'in' the bike, or 'on' the bike - depends on your preference.
  3. The handling 2 up on a skyhook is identical to solo when the setting is adjusted. Except it is taught and way more oomph

    Ok I had last gem GS but get into twisty at sports bike pace and it gets tied in total knots. I could not ride s GS how I ride that multi Dave. And you've seen his well that goes when it gets twisty
  4. Quite the worst bike I have ever had to have pillion on. Yes the seat might technically be comfy,but bugger all to hold onto comfortably,and as the pillion is bolt upright,every time there is acceleration the pillion gets to act like a pendulum. Very poor design,ill conceived and not thought through.
  5. The difference between WW2 and the 21st century! The current LC GS is a very different proposition.
  6. So they have managed to eliminate all the torque twisting in the chassis and mask the weight of those big opposing cylinders when shifting left right left thru turns??

    I loved mine. Just everyone else following me thought it was crashing every corner as it wallowed and was so out of shape. In the seat, I never felt a thing :)
  7. You'll be surprised - significantly less twist, and lots more body control.

    The mistake many make is expecting it to handle like a Blade, and it simply isn't that. Take it for what it is, and ride it accordingly. It's a superb bike.
  8. Given difference in weight, power and off-road capability I really don't see the GS and the Multi as competitors. The S 1000 XR is the Multi's rival - but given it is an IL4 it will go about the same kind of business in a rather different way!

  9. My mates GS has the ESA trouble is when you go 2 up the pillion is so high his partner cant get on the seat, you cant raise it when shes already sat on it.
  10. 1) The bike is not the answer to short people.

    2) You are incorrect about not being able to raise with someone on board. You can change the ESA anytime, and switch between solo/solo+luggage/2-up when stationary.
  11. I tried the GS Adventure today from Cardiff out towards the airport. Nice roads. I even managed to find some dirt tracks, and some water :)

    Next step is to get the Mrs to come pillion on them all and see what she thinks.

    GSA Test Ride.jpg
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  12. Ok ... So the date is approaching :)

    We fly out on the 29th so is time to start making preparations. The weather is looking good this weekend so I have booked demo rides on the GS and Multi at Riders in Cardiff so that the Mrs can try out the pillion perch and I can see how they perform with her on the back.

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  13. Doris on my GS LC found the pillion seat very slippery. She has Rukka kit. She didn't have that issue with the Mutley pilion seat. So kept sliding forward under braking/ noddng off! Both bikes had their top boxes on. Mutley t/ box takes 2 helmets, the GS t/box only one lid.
    Loved both bikes but Beemer only seen the warranty droid once :mask:
  14. Dave
    Donna may find that the textiles are slippy compared to leathers so be aware that she may slip into you when hard breaking
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  15. My textiles have a leather ass for that very reason.
  16. Quick! Hide Donna's leathers.
  17. I like your thinking. :D
  18. When I bought my Multi I also was looking at a GS LC to replace my 03 GS1150. I took both out solo then both out a week later with my missus pillion back to back. The GS handling was familiar with the telelever front end and the Multi took some getting used to with conventional forks after 6 years of telelever (it was also set waaaay too soft for my liking which I have now remedied)

    The missus was on the GS for 45 minutes and hated it, too vibey, pillion seat too hard, too flat and found the ride harsh with the way the engine span up (probably down to my riding and trying to ride the bike at a fair lick on bumpy twisties) I then took the Multi out on similar roads chasing one of the shop staff and another young lad on an 899 pani demo bike. It felt smooth as silk in compasrison and the wife said " this one wins hands down" after 5 minutes of average riding. Once we cracked on she still preferred it even in sport mode and she could feel the rear slide on gravel and the TC kick in and sort it and didn't flinch when the front came up through some cack handed throttle ness which was also helped by the topbox and back pad on the GT model as she felt totally secure on the back unlike the GS which she felt she was falling back into the top box :)
  19. Thanks everyone - I'll report back how we get on :)

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  20. Different strokes.....

    My wife prefers my S1000XR to the Multi I had before. Said she finds the XR more comfy.
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