1200 DVT Exhaust Valve Disconnect

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by nkibble, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. It seems to me the exhaust valve is the equivalent to a human appendix. Seems to serve no useful purpose to us, but will screw us up if it goes wrong.

    I'm thinking I need to disconnect this ticking time-bomb.

    I've seen people have bought the duc.ee to sort out the ECU, but how do you actually do the disconnect to ensure the flaps stay open (so to speak)?

    I'm not interested in doing a full removal - just render it redundant.

    Anyone done it on a DVT and able to dumb the procedure down for my level of mechanical ability?
    Photos would be a mega bonus! :)
  2. The exhaust flap is held open with a huge spring. I wire locked mine (on my 848) in the open position when I fitted the duc.ee.
  3. The flap is open by default. The DUC-EE is all you need.
  4. So, does plugging the DUC-EE in disconnect the servo at the same time then?
  5. Yes, unplug the servo plug then plug the DUC-EE in it's place (So it thinks the servo is running but it's just the DUC-EE responding instead).

    I still have mine all in place, all I have done is plug in the DUC-EE. If you take the exhaust apart you will see the flap defaults to open. It only closes it at certain revs higher up (the revs they do the tests at).
  6. I've used a small spring on the cable to fake the valve. you don't need any DUC.
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  7. If its like the previous version then just wiring it open will do it, mine was siezed solid and gave no dash errors.
  8. I've gone with the DUC-EE approach, and have just placed an order.
    On other bikes I've just taken the cable off the spring, but this looks like an awkward bugger to work with.

    Will take some photos of it when it arrives, if anyone's interested?
    #8 nkibble, Apr 21, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2016
  9. Yes please, take a photo. Was planning to order a duc.ee this evening for my 2015 MTS. Already had to replace silencer (under warranty) due to seized valve.
  10. That's neat Matt, could you give more detail about how you did that? On my 848 I had a alloy plate on the servo motor, which fooled the servo during it's cycle at switch on. Mind you, the servo on the 848 was super easy to get to, lol.
  11. I was wondering about this. The actuator presumably doesn't know what the position of the valve is only that it itself is operating over it's correct range ?? This is assuming that the cable is disconnected from the valve.
  12. My cable was still connected, on startup i could hear the actuator doing its self test and all was well... I do have the actuator cam from the Leo Vince decat if anyone wants it. Fits on the actuator so it is still pulling against a load to keep the ecu happy.
    #12 Stonesie, Apr 21, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2016
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  13. here's a pic! It was raining today so there is a lot of crap, it's usually cleaner :)

    The 'now rusted!' spring I rolled around the cable simulates the servo spring pulling the cable back in position.

    The ECU only needs to feel a little force on the cable in order to avoid the errors.

    Hope it makes sense!

    #13 Matt23, Apr 22, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
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  14. OK, this is interesting. I get a very occasional (it has happened maybe 4-5 times) EXVL error which always goes away if I recycle the ignition. I have taken the panel off and checked the valve, which is perfectly free, BUT there is a little bit of slack on the cable. Could this lack of "force on the cable" be triggering the error ?
  15. if you see the pic above, there is a little bit of slack, but never had any error.
    #15 Matt23, Apr 22, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
  16. Where did you order from?

    Interested in this myself and just wonder where the best deal is?

    Also, has anybody gone down the Healtech route?

    Healtech Exhaust Servo Eliminator

    Is there any difference....I assume they both work the same way?

    #16 soloman, Apr 23, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2016
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  17. I got mine from eBay. Someone on here had one for sale on here a couple of days ago for a hyper but they are probably the same. £30 he was asking, it will be in the for sale section.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Got mine from VIZI-TEC. Probably not the cheapest option but I've got some trips planned this year and can't afford for it to let me down.
  19. Ordered from Vizi Tec USA also on Thursday. Message yesterday saying it had been shipped UPS already. Total cost $63 including shipping.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. I've got one, and tried to fit it last weekend along with all the Evotech stuff I'd accumulated, ran out of time because the connector is a sod to get to. Did get all the other stuff done though, radiator, oil cooler and engine guards. Look good.
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