Caught Speeding

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Jon_Dong, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. Hi All,

    Just got a letter through from the rozzers and have been done for doing 71mph in a 50mph zone by and unmarked car. I don't believe I was doing that speed.

    Does anyone know what I should expect as it looks like I can't go to the class and avoid the points?

    #1 Jon_Dong, Apr 27, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2016
  2. Hmm interesting, I would have thought they would have had to pull you over and issue a notice etc.
    I would certainly not admit to it, I would ask for photos, times, who reported, car that reported, and ask who was riding.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Not sure but it doesn't appear so.
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  4. According to Ben's post, you're just below the threshold for a summons. Phew. Take a pic of the letter and upload it with the secret bits blanked out. I've gotten out of 2/3 things on technicalities so every bit of information helps. I agree that it's very strange that an unmarked car didn't pull you over.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. You may have been reported by a Public Driver, and they have acted on that report, as I said I would certainly want to know a lot more about the offence, and how the speed was recorded and who by.
    A standard patrol car would struggle to get a conviction, as they do not have calibrated equipment. AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT ADMIT the speed / offence you were traveling at.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Thanks for this
  7. Will do when I get home. Thanks
  8. Exactly, this is why you should add a pic of the letter. I've had letters from those OAP's that sit there with a speed gun and angrily jot down your numberplate. They don't count for shit and you can feel free to ignore it, even though it's the police that send the letter.
  9. Is it a NIP (Notice of Intended Prosecution)
  10. It is! What does this mean? Are they going to through away the key?

  11. have you read it?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Sorry, I should have been more clear. I was on my mates bike as we swopped. He received the notice but it is my responsibility as I was on his bike so he has to complete the 172 form.

    Ultimately, its going to be me who gets beasted. I've only seen the first page so was unsure what I'm in for.
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  13. Ah, so your friend received the NIP. At the top it may state something about giving you a conditional offer of a fixed penalty notice (standard points & fine), if so no court for you and just the simple points. He has to state who the rider was at the time, it may be worth him asking for photographic evidence so that he can identify the rider. Also ask for calibration certificates for the equipment etc...

  14. i wasn't being smug, but from what i have seen, they are usually comprehensive in the detail of the process/implications so a sit down and read through end to end will probably answer most questions you have - although it wont say Wormwood, or Dartmoor- the judge will decide on 3 or four stars....
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  15. I know of a case where someone got off doing 115 mph because the handheld device was not calibrated 100% in accordance with official Home Office guidelines.

    There is some good advice above, take it.

    Alternatively, if you are guilty, pay up.
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  16. Just says that they intended to take proceedings against the driver of vehicle ...........
  17. Well then get him to ask for the evidence so that he can ascertain who was riding at the time. State that because the undercover vehicle did not pull over the rider, there is no way to be sure without the evidence. You can either ask for the calibration etc. at the same time but I would be tempted to ask for that later. If he gets the evidence and states it was you riding, you should then receive a letter stating what their intended action is, you can then delay things by asking for the calibration evidence then.
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  18. Deny everything, Defriend him, change your number and say you have never heard of him.. Sorted

    Jon Dong is that a real name or are you boasting??
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    • Funny Funny x 2
  19. Hasn't your mate got a friend who lives in Swaziland, or Peru, who was visiting at the time? Just asking, like..
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