So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Hi Royum, it is at Slapton Sands, but otherwise, you are correct. The more I found out about what happened, the more humble and inspired I felt. We need to remember both the members of the armed forces who lost their lives in this tragedy, and also the huge efforts of Local folks in more recent times to ensure the sacrifices made are not forgotten.
  2. Went and watched a little bit of DD .. It was nice to get out.
    Got home couldn't park in my road , due to too many cars now , skips and crap basically people who don't live in my road ( why do I have to pay for a parking permit when I can't park:( )
    Had to park 3 roads away.
    The road is badly lit.
    I got out of my car and tripped on a bit of duff pavement which I couldn't see In the dark.
    Fell flat on my face which probably looked v funny :)
    But cut my hand injured my knee and hip and now realised pulled my shoulder and ribs.
    Great after having an op Monday :(
    Tomorrow I'm going to hurt lol
  3. Today I shall mainly be having a hysterectomy :--(
  4. Hope all goes well Nicky:upyeah:
  5. Today, and for the rest of the week, I will be cleaning the house, shed and garden. I am not looking forward to it.:frown:
  6. Hope all goes well for you today :)
  7. Good luck. I'm sure you won't need it and Chris will look after you. :smile:
  8. Thinking of you it will all be ok hugs x
  9. Very disgusted... As I said I work at a special school.
    They just went to take the children out in the mini bus and I heard scraping.
    Scumbags had broken in and cut the cat off the bus :(
    Has cost the school 2 grand last time which is not covered by insurance :(
    What is wrong with people !!!!!
    So that's ruined the children's day who where needing to be taken out.
    Very upsetting.
  10. Pikeys
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  11. Ouch, hope you're not too sore this morning.

    Good luck with the op, make sure you take it very easy over next few weeks.

    Scum, pure & simple. These people have absolutely no idea of the upset that they cause. Or, more likely they do, but don't give a shit or even get a bit of a kick out it. All for, what, about £100 or even less? Twats.
  12. All the very best wishes for those having operations or suffering in other ways.What an awful thing to happen He11cat-same thing has been done to vehicles round here.What is going through their minds when they do such a despicable act?
  13. Back to work after a lovely week up in the Lakes. It's shite. :frown:
  14. Went to Abu Dhabi for the first time
  15. Practised guitar when I should have been working.

    But more profitable than wasting time on here.
  16. All done and dusted, just waiting to have the drain taken out and I can go home :) !!!!
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  17. Crikey you sound great! That's a hell of an op!!!!!!!
    Have to say hate staying in hospital :(
    I hope you get home quick so you have a relaxed recovery at home .
    Earlier this year I was in for 5 days and I ended up next to this fruit loop of a woman who was soap opera obsessed .
    she was sane however all she cared about was soaps.. Even when her family came in she just wanted to know about soaps...
    I'd get Eastenders is on now ...
    She had a laugh like that gran off the Catherine Tate show ie cackle.
    I kept drawring the curtain in between us to get a break and privacy.
    she kept pulling it back .
    saying " pat Butcher dies tonight" or other grim hospital stuff .

    id try and sleep and shed cackle over nothing.

    I had a great trip :) with souvenirs several big black bruises in various places gulp!
  18. View attachment 7260

    Blimey - how did they get one of them in? :eek:
  19. That's incredible. My cousin was bed-ridden for what seemed like weeks after her hysterectomy, although that was twenty years ago. Progress, eh...
  20. Hey good on you :)
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