Hypermotard 1100 Dead. Wiring Diagram Needed.

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by comfysofa, May 4, 2016.

  1. As above. Does anyone have one they can send me? Cheer to anyone that has and can.

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  2. I've got the Workshop manual if it's in there ?
  3. Great if it is but Ill need something downloadable I'd possible... I'll go digging around now on the net...

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  4. When I get home I'll see if it is and try and extract it to send.....
  5. Download the handbook from the DUCATI Maintenance site. The diagrams are at the end. They are in PDFs so you can zoom in on them.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  6. Cool... I'll go take a look now... Thanks.

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  7. Found it on the net... Thanks to all.

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  8. Well, spent a good few hours on it tonight and no closer.... The only thing we can summize is that the immobiliser is forcing itself on.. Other that that stumped.... Could really do with some help from a wiring specialist... No fuses blown and everything we've tested so far works... No fried wires, nothing....

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  9. Can you try the immobiliser code input instead of relying on the key ?
  10. Symptoms?
  11. No clocks, nothing, dead, all I get is the immobiliser light, which goes off when the key is turned, nothing else, no fuel pump prime or lights.

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  12. I've got a spare ecu and solenoid and neither make any difference.

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  13. What was the last job done before it stopped working ?
  14. Changing the starter cables over to heavy duty ones to aid starter motor turnover, a job I did on my last hyper in about an hour which makes it more infuriating....

    While I was removing the positive and negative I dropped the screwdriver and bridged the battery side of the solenoid (I think) with the negative of the battery. I've got extensive nerve damage in my right hand and can only feel with my last 2 fingers (thumb and first 2 fingers are only about 20% feeling) so I kinda do have a bit of an excuse.... But as I said no fuses have blown (which is what I would expect) nothing burnt fried or anything like that. The time that it bridged was less than a second, when it did the starter motor fired for literally half a second if that....

    Fucking pissed off...

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  15. If it was an immo issue then everything would work and the bike would just not start.
    There is a 30 amp main fuse on the starter relay. You need to take off a cover to get to it.
    When were the relays last changed?
    Is the battery up to the job?
  16. No 30 amp fuse not blown. There are no relays, just the one starter solenoid. Battery is fine, showing just under 13volts and been sitting on an optimate which is green. All OK there.

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  17. The reason we think it's the immobiliser is if they key is out, it flashes, turning the key makes the immobiliser light go off. I've not got any clocks to test with and I do know that part of the code is sorted on the clocks... I think...

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  18. There is a coil/injector/pump relay. They cause no end of problems if they go.
  19. Where's that?

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  20. Did you burn out an earth cable....

    Strange how no power to the clocks apart from the Imob light though
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