
Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by lincs lad, May 8, 2016.

  1. help i cant free the exhaust from the manifold got the stud nuts off no probs but cant get the exhaust to part from the manifold any tips advice before i do damage
  2. Wide blunt drift into the gap between the loose collar flange and the head where the studs are......soak it in WD40 first.....don't damage the head though.......or simply try knocking the flange away from the head.

    Order some collar pairs while you are at it, because they will be buggered I reckon....they aren't too £ssss
  3. most of all patience
    but as said plenty freeing fluid ie wd40
    and maybe a bit of heat
    once it starts moving keep going a little bit at a time
  4. just noticed ........ne lincs ...........seems a few on here from the area recently :upyeah:
  5. I would run the engine up to temp (in current state - less manifold nuts) and then turn off engine/saturate studs and flange mating face (as best you can) with penetrating fluid.
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  6. You have removed the rest of the exhaust system haven't you? Is the collar loose?
  7. WD 40 and a heat gun may be interesting.
  8. WD40 isn't a freeing fluid, it's just a water dispersant. Better off using PlusGas (try Amazon or eBay) if you want to free off rusted in stuff. That's what I've experienced anyway.
  9. I was only thinking today as removing some decals that a heat gun is one of my favourite tools. Really is useful. Wouldn't be without one now.
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