Quick look out the window then panic mode where the F are INSERT HERE APPROPRIATE GOLVES, JACKET, BOOTS OR RAIN WEAR WEATHER DEPENDING. Then go out, open garage say morning or hello to bike. Manhandle the bike out and start it let it idle for 10s if did not piss oil or explode lock up garage as she is ready. When I get to where I was going I always (I was told that two weeks ago) sit upright with engine on for 3-4s tap the tank few times, get off and start undressing.
i always check if i locked the garage if i have house keys and debit/credit card it may sound strange but i always talk to my bike too before we take off something like '' okayyy here we go.... '' , or '' just be good to me ''
Not strange at all. I'm always talking to the bike, although the words are not always terrifically complimentary... And I always pat the saddle after a good run.
Have worked out that when leaving the office car park I must remove the disc lock before putting my lid on. The one time I did it the otherway round (lid first) I tried to ride off with the disc lock still on, which led to me trying out the BMW off road skills course approved method of picking up a dropped motorbike! So that's the nearest I've got to a pre-ride ritual - lock then lid when leaving work!
I enjoyed a good rub and polish and giving thanks after each ride before I put my Dizzy away until the next time.
If Im wearing my gods messenger outfit then its phone and fags under seat first. If normal batman outfit then its phone in pocket fags under seat. Always put left glove on first and I have no clue why
Don't we all? btw, struggling with emoticons on the iPad, hence the use of pre-emoticon smilies. Sure it's plain old user error!