Hi All, So gave my 2010 Mutley a quick jet-wash (I'm very careful not to blast the dash or electronics) and now it's absolutely stone dead. No life off either normal starter switch or emergency code start. Battery has life (well spartks anyway) and I've checked all the fuses I can see. Anyone have any bright ideas? Thanks in Advance.
No, it would not, I would check the main fuse again and if that isn't the problem then blast the starter switch with WD-40 or similar.
Handlebar switches, kill switch? Have you tried starting with the pin no? Press the big black button under the little cover at the front of the tank. Dash should fire up and ask for your pin no.
When you say the Main fuse...I've checked all the ones in the front fuse box...also the one attached close to the Battery....I haven't checked the rear fuse box yet...That'll be next then!
It should be a 30A mini blade fuse on the starter solenoid, follow the main power cable from the battery +ve and you will find it under a cover. I found this small picture on google, it's labelled C. Edit, I have my own picture here.
Ah! Thanks for that. I hadn't checked that one. I'll try it in the morning and post an update. I must admit, it feels like a fuse as NOTHING is working. Abso stone dead.
Hah hah hah....having one of those days. Jumped in car to go put lock on bike for night and power-steering fluid line has broken pissing fluid all over drive so car off the road too! Only vehicle working in my house at the moment? Out of two cars and two motorbikes, one 1993 Honda Fireblade, the oldest one by far. Started first time....I even tried to jump the Ducati off it just in case battery had gone pop....but to no avail. Photos to follow!
23 year old Honda Fireblade tries to give 6 year old Ducati Multistrada some advice on Reliability. Alas they don't speak the same language
Duh! It's the same rule with cars chap - if it's got French or Italian electrics you don't go near it with a pressure washer or steam cleaner! Thought everyone knew that?
Yeah, I know that's the conventional wisdom.....but I've been jet-washing it (as I say, carefully) for the past 6 years with no issues....well none like this anyway. Been jetwashing the 'Blade (carefully) for 23 years with no issues at all!! Interestingly, both of my previous major electronic failures...two BBS, one DES shock were after heavy rain. The common thread would seem to be waterproofing.
I agree with you totally chap - I've literally soaked Jap cars with a full on hot water pressure steam cleaner and run chemical degreaser through it with no problems at all? Everytime I think about doing under the bonnet of a French car I remember back to when my valeter (not an idiot!) steam cleaned an 18 month old Renault Espace Monaco V6 Automatic.He always left the engine running while he steamed under the bonnet but Frog electrics being what they are it just cut out and to make things even worse the bloody thing triggered the central locking with the keys in the ignition! I had every expert mechanic and auto electrician in London try and get it going and in total desperation even tried the Renault main dealer? They were more than useless and just kept wanting to replace ECU's and relays at huge expense.It went on for another 10 weeks and then one day it just decided to fire into life! I didn't take the risk of switching it off - straight to BCA Blackbushe to let someone else have the joy
HAH!! Fixed it!! The main fuse was fine and while checking it, I noticed a square multi wire plug next to it (you can see it clearly in Stonesie's photo above) A light tug had it disconnect instantly. "That was a bit too easy" I thought and checked it, reseated the waterproofing gasket and plugged it back in. Voila! Bike bursts into life!! Coincidence perhaps and it had just worked loose or perhaps a stray jet of water somehow dislodged it (dunno how though cos it's snuggled away under the seat). Anyway, job's a good 'un. Thanks to all, especially @Stonesie - I'd never have found it without your photo above!