So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Ooops women eh :D
  2. On a Xerox course and it's the last day so I asked them to treat me. Was then shown through to a private area with Nori Haga's old 1198 in the corner. Mint but also sad as it was caked in dust and it's been sat for years. Rear brake still felt firmer than my multi's [emoji23]

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  3. at least she doesn't have to worry about renewal time or loss of NCB (I assume that's how it works with Co car). My 17 YO son has managed to dent the bumper of a compo-scrounger at a roundabout (whilst she had entered the roundabout, as he is the car behind, he is to blame, I assume). approx 4mph nudge with only a crack to his numberplate, I phoned her up asking if she would consider resolving anything outside the realms of the insurance thieves, she put on one of those "phoning in sick" voices and started going on about having to go to get checked as her neck was a bit sore.

    Letter arrives a couple of weeks later from her ambulance chasing lawyer stating headaches, off work for 2 weeks, sore neck, sore arm.

    I had hoped for a bit of Karma, after I had walked away from similar last year and told the fella who nudged me to just forget about it and put it down to experience (was chopping the car in anyway, so the very minor damage was going to get lost in the main dealer's sell on profit).

    she did mention that she had only just had her car fixed after a similar prang - could she be a serial compo-jobber?

    anyway, polite rant/moan over, but may the fleas of a thousand camel infest her arsehole!
  4. Lazy walk on the beach with the dogs, coffee & bacon buttie at the beach café then home to contemplate putting Mrs Pico's new weather vane up this afternoon. A few cold onrs tonight
  5. Yep - we were on the receiving end of a scaffolders van which shunted our old car across the road with our kids in it...(they thought it was brilliant!) the insurance company kept asking us if anyone was injured to which we replied no (we didn't want to take the piss)...but they kept asking like they wanted someone to be injured...everyone is at it...

    My wife pulled out on someone - and the impact was so small that it didn't even scratch our car's paintwork but he had a "wrist problem" and got a 1k payout....
  6. Went on the Bone Marrow transplant list a couple of years back (there was a stem cell match for my dad when he had Leukemia) - he didn't make it but someone gave up their time and registered which gave my dad a shot at life so I thought it would only be fitting to return the favour. Well, I'm a match for someone in Utah apparently and its quite urgent so just got the call after giving a sample of blood last week so in on Monday morning for full medical. So expecting to get stabbed in the leg soon...I did suggest to them it might be better to get the stem cells before I go to the TT...
    • Like Like x 9
  7. Sold some race parts, fingers crossed.

    Had my wife going through my diary (many dates free now) booking me out for social events.. what's this? she said.
    The Ducati forum BBQ. I told you I was going, don't try that poo. I am going I don't give a poo what you say.
    That was that sorted.

    I also told her to re think the BBQ we are having the weekend before, I've had so many I'm actually going off them and even left a bit of my steak last time. I am saving my self now for the special day, although I think friends have invited us round for one soon.

    Now I know why football players get fat when they stop playing.. Curry tonight.

    Seriously considering buying another race car, keeps my money out of the house project budget.
    I need to get my ass into a new hobby, perhaps karting or bike trackdays..
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  8. 3 days after having a micro dysectomy, today I walked to the end of the road..... so feeling ecstatic after 3 month of looking at my shoes,
    the wife enjoyed the social time, the dog looked at me and just that it?....really!
    road to recovery,, be back at work in a few weeks now, gotta say I'm actually looking forward to it :rolleyes:
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  9. well done Andy - bar the healing and a few adjustments it looks like you've made it! :upyeah:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. Yep, 100% says a miracle worker surgeon, really strange but my physio released was can I walk upright with my hands crossed behind my bum! Victorian gentleman with a top hat they told me..... my brain is slowly catching up the new view point, and sometimes feel sick, bit like vertigo!!! The current Mrs T showed me a photo taken few days before surgery, my god, I cannot believe I was solo badly bent over, this takes account now for sore hips and knees, really must stick to the regime cause I am not going through that again! And for a fact, I wouldn't put it on my worst enemy, all those out there that are not as fortunate as me, I sympathise, truly and hope you find a way through a politically incorrect NHS....... I feel a rant coming on but sleep time now!!! Cheers Chris
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  11. Congratulations Andy-that is indeed good news for you.Onwards and upwards with a little bit of sideways on your road to recovery.:upyeah:
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  12. Way to go Andy :upyeah: but don't overdo it ....... small steps mate. Andy
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  13. image.jpeg

    Took this big old girl out today. Just for something to do
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  14. Today I had a follow-up hospital outpatient appointment at UCH, six weeks after my prostate operation. The consultant advised that as far as they can tell, they appear to have got out all the cancer and no further treatment is prescribed at present. I have to go back for further tests to confirm in six weeks though, but actually the news is pretty good. They never say you're "cured" of course - the best you can get is "in remission". I must say I am feeling better today than I have in the past several months, and there is a good chance this "remission" will last for years. Three cheers for the Da Vinci surgery machine!
    Da Vinci Surgical System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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  15. Very pleased to hear your positive news Pete. Fingers crossed that the further tests in 6 weeks confirm that the robot did its job, and that you can now look forward to a summer of biking and making up for lost miles.
  16. Completed my 17 Edition and Amendment 3 wiring regulations exams today..., urgghh what a ball-ache that boring !
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  17. image.jpeg Bargain of the day 425 g of Brussels sprouts for 25p at Tescos tonight. Bought 8 bags - straight in the freezer. They had thousands and thousands of 'em. If I wasn't so medibriated I would go and buy the lot. I reckon I could run the car on the output tomorrow.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  18. Sitting in Melbourne airport bored. I am used to long haul, but I think you need to a bit weird to enjoy them
    Yesterday, walked up one of the streets that seemed to have all the bike dealers. The victory and indians looked the part, think i need a beard and a leather waiset coat, massive bikes and shiney. Called into the ducati dealer, the enduro was there, great looking bike. Yep, we chatted about the EU pipes.
    Cant say I am glad to be going home, but I have missed our dogs.

  19. That's fantastic news Pete
    • Agree Agree x 1

  20. Go Andy go Andy
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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