Mobile Speed Camera Vans And Bikes

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nigel Machin, May 29, 2016.

  1. Passed a van yesterday in my car, slowed to the required 30mph and proceeded to flash all on coming traffic to warn of impending doom! All the vans I've seen target oncoming traffic, so my question is how do they "trap" a bike? Obviously not having a number up front is a Brucy bonus but do these vans have video on the back that they could cross reference with the laser camera at the front?
  2. Yes
  3. Then if caught at the front my intention is to hammer on the brakes, stop, jump off and cover up my reg with a suitable handy buff, drive past van and then accelerate in an appropriate manner with a big grin all over my face!!
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  4. Got my NIP last week by one of the vans, was warned by on coming traffic too, so knew van was ahead. kept to 40mph because I thought that's what it was. Turns out I was coming from a 40 to a 30. Got me by the bollocks now.
  5. There is a side camera, looks like one of those cctv ones you used to see in Woolies
  6. And just to add joy to the end of the day, you can be done for speeding away from the camera in the van as well as towards it as a friend of mine found out to his £80 fixed penalty notice cost. Andy
  7. You could slam on the brakes, then push the bike backwards till out of sight, then spin round and pish off.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. "NIP"?
  9. Notice of intent to Prosecute :cry:
  10. Ouch
  11. I think you will find,If you go fast enough towards the camera van,you will travel through time to before the van was parked there,thus avoiding a ticket.
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  12. Or do the world a favour, accelerate at the van and jump off at the last minute. Laugh at the huge mangled fireball and everyone will be so thankful they'll chip in a few quid each for a new bike [emoji106]

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Persecution more like
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  14. I was done by a facing van so it's clear that they can read your plate from behind.
  15. I was having a dream that i passed a camera van at a speed that if caught i may have been in a little bother,in the same dream i had a very uncomfortable few weeks waiting for a knock on the door or for a letter i did not want,pretty sure in my dream there was no rear facing camera.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. Yes. They were fairly rare though. Has that changed ?
  17. double side sticky tape your number plate. Get stopped in front of the camera van.
    rip it of and put it in your jacket. Bip your horn at the van as you ride past it.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. ....and face more harsher penalty such as perverting the course of justice. Bike confiscated & then scrapped, loss of driving privelages & higher insurance once re-passed test?!?!? Nah I'll take the points & fine or luckily a speed awareness course
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