Today Is The Day....

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by ResB1299, May 29, 2016.

  1. Today, 29th May 2016 at about 7:45pm somewhere in Yorkshire I got my knee down, without falling off and now I am a racing god, all hail me. :) My 1299S is now forever and indelibly imprinted in my mind. :upyeah:

    I did it four times to prove it wasn't a fluke. :grin:

    #1 ResB1299, May 29, 2016
    Last edited: May 29, 2016
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  2. Nice one :upyeah:

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  3. I remember catching a mate kneeling down on his patio to scuff his sliders. Needless to say he's still living it down to this day.
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  4. Lol, might do that on the left slider as it's obvious I prefer right handers now! :upyeah:
  5. There's tons of mileage in that one for sure lol. I have a witness to mine and now I can join the "Uber Cool Brigade" and talk boisterously instead of having my head down looking at the floor when the subject of getting your knee down comes up. :)
  6. What about your elbow??????
  7. Exactly what the girlfriend said!
  8. When you've done it once, its mega easy after that, and becomes a gauge as to how fast you can go

    Never done it on the road tho
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  9. I just bought a nice new pair of sliders because the old ones were getting scuffed.
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  10. I have no trouble getting either knee down-it's the getting up again that is the problem.
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  11. Aaaahhhhh, well done @mervyn , :thumbsup:
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  12. Bradders, what is the best way to get the knee down? is it just lay the bike down and keep going until your knee rubs, or hang off the bike? I think I try to hang off and keep the bike as upright as I can make it. Not sure I'm riding the bike correctly or know what i'm trying to say.
  13. I can get the knee down but I once got my shoulder and hip and back well ya get the idea.
    I now find it natural to hang off the bike when making progress ( obviously on a closed airfield ) .
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  14. Evoarrow .... Craigavon roundabouts, watch for derv
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  15. It's a byproduct of speed and body positioning mate.

    Work on your body positioning and it'll come. But don't rush it because you're asking to stack it, and make sure your tyres are warm!!
  16. I could never do that - I've only got two knees.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  17. I've done those roundabouts loads of times and still can't do it, I blame having small balls and short legs
    • Funny Funny x 3
  18. Funny but when I raced it was hard not to get knees and things down but , in all the time I've been normal road riding , I've never once got my knee down.
  19. I throwing the knee sliders in the bin, useless things
  20. lol, as it's only my right hand knee slider, I wonder if you can buy replacements in one's!!! :)
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