Thinking about a termignoni race exhaust for my mts1200

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Big stu, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. Ok. Thanks Stu. I look forward to my 2nd refusal message coming through !
  2. Don't forget me. On the joint 2nd offer!
    I've gone for adoption with a new larger dad!
  3. LOL
    It's too late shorty.....
  4. I'm expecting delivery of FATducs (sometime :mad: ) and a LEO VINCE DECAT PIPE (fitting this weekend).
    IF that doesn't improve things...then I'm off to see Chris in Bristol.
  5. Good luck with that. FATDUC' s made a noticeable difference to mine. I'd be interested to hear how it goes as that's an option I'm looking at should this escapade result in abject failure !
  6. I appear to have worn out the edge of my seat as I wait patiently to hear that I am second in the queue (adoption aside!) and Big Stu has changed his mind, is there any news Strada_Stu??
  7. Sorry for the suspense but it will all be settled by tomorrow.
  8. Sorry to disappoint you, guys, but the exhaust is now sold.
  9. No worries stu. Hope it went to a good home. Looks like having a lanky dad didn't pay off this time! Anyone else got one for sale, can I be officially first in the queue .......
  10. For Rivets..... that-one-dad-he-called-me-a-gecko-funny-baby-crocodile-alligator.jpg

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  11. Mr Aircon, your new dad looks a bit feisty and I I'm sure I don't remember calling you a gecko!
    how did you get on with the Leo Vince system?
  12. Mr. Rivets I couldn't find a suitable "my dads bigger than your dad" picture, but this one seemed good.
    Sorry for not replying sooner as I didn't hear the message, as I'm still deaf from the test ride. Leo Vince with standard cans is way too loud, up there with termis on my 998. I need Charlies Angels not hells angel. Advice sought. Awaiting Fatducs. Pops on over run. Loads of flames. At my local people under 30 love it, people my age look and shake their heads!
    #32 AirCon, Oct 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2012
  13. It's on at last what a job that is just got to get the dash back to mph and the dtc back on

    ImageUploadedByTapatalk HD1351289982.932142.jpg
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