So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Be nice to find out... More fettling on the hyper needed!

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  2. Yup, yesterday about 4pm, had fish and chips in the little chip shop in the area where the amusement arcade is. Small world, eh? A mate and I were returning from looking at a mondeo in Exeter (a 600 mile round trip by the time I had picked him up and dropped him back home) it was a mondeo with the 5 cylinder Volvo turbo engine, but broke down on the test drive, so no sale!

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  3. Looking good there chiz :)
  4. Keep out of the bins you minger :D
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  5. Put the central heating on.Day dreaming about next ride on my bike.
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  6. I was in the office at 7am to do stuff before I headed off to Ducati Manchester to take a test bike back.

    I'm now back in the office :)
  7. You better now Terry?
  8. just honed and redressed my Fizzy after 2 major lock ups last week, have new top end with porting and skimmed head, tighter than a nuns chuff, so not suprised when she nipped up! got it all sorted now its raining boo hoo
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  9. Track day called off at 1pm due to standing water on track. Got home cold and soaked with a filthy bike. Shower and afternoon nap for me. What a write off of a day
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
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  10. That is a real disappointment. Didn't anyone go prepared for a wet day ? Weather for Silverstone could still go either way so I plan to take full wets but don't see the point if the day is going to be cancelled. Whilst I think about it, was any sort of recompense offered ? Andy
  11. People had wets but the sessions got stopped due to standing water. They had cars going round trying to create a racing line but it was like trying to build a sand castle against the sea.

    I asked the No Limits guy, he said call the office. I think they need to see if MSV give them anything back. Not expecting a full refund but a 50% voucher would seem fair to me.

    I'll be sure to let the forum know.
  12. About to get wet going home...
  13. Cleaned the old bike (she said she could of just had a shower) and fitted a scotoiler (just in case she pulls)
  14. NL giving full credit for cancelled track day. Think that's fair enough.
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  15. Today has been very exciting.I have been helping Mrs Mervyn organise details for a suprise party for her mother,she will be 90 this month.
    Our daughter has done a lot of organising and the inviting of old friends,Mrs Mervyn has been organising food and 'activities'
    One of the activities will be 'Pass the Parcel',should be fun as a lot of us are a bit hard of hearing,we also have a 'through the ages' quiz as well.That should cause a bit of arguing.
    Oh,I forgot.My wedding anniversary present arrived today and is nicely tucked up in the garage.:)
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  16. Not much took my springer spaniel and my son's lab pup for a walk ,unfortunately our cocker was put down on Tuesday and it takes a bit of getting used to after 13 years.
  17. That is sad.Long time to have a companion.Sorry for your loss.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Sat in Edinburgh airport for a return flight. Set off this morning at 0430 , day here and back home again. Tired and bored.
  19. Thanks Mervyn.
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