1200 DVT Palmer Products - Screen Kit

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Kernow1, Jun 2, 2016.

  1. Thought I'd tackle the wind noise / buffeting issue on my 2016 MS 1200 S so went the spacer route from Aztec. They didn't fit my bike, which to be fair the guy did warn me. So returned them for a full refund. Great service.

    Next port of call was Palmer Products. They advertise a solution for the 2015 model, so I emailed asking if the adaptor would fit mine. Answer yes. Excellent !!! Or maybe not........

    I decided to go for the upgraded screen kit option, which states that 'the kit' INCLUDES a powder coated adaptor etc etc. So I paid £100 via PayPal and emailed them with delivery instructions. The package arrived today. On opening guess what? Nice screen but no adaptor. On top of that, the screen is drilled so that it will only fit the bloody adaptor.

    So, I'm left with a screen, which I can't use unless I get the adaptor (for an additional £85) and the supplier has 'shut down' until June 24th.

    Obviously I've now read the 'small' print (which could be much clearer) but still feel peed off that the main description is pretty misleading. I'm sure Palmer aren't trying to rinse anyone but wouldn't it have been helpful to just check that the customer requires just a screen when ordering the upgrade 'kit'? Especially when that customer has sent several emails enquiring about the adaptor prior to ordering. I have emailed Palmer with my concerns and will await a response.

    My main concern is that £85 is a lot to risk on something that might not actually work, another £100 on top is really pushing it. I don't think I'd have done it at that price if I'd known.

    Really fed up, both with Palmer Products.........and myself !!!

    Anyone else f**d up with this? Or actually use the product to good effect?
  2. Show us this screen? I've brought a puig touring screen & its fine under 60mph & provides lots of facial wind buffeting, I'm 6'2". Although noise above that speed becomes unbearable. Ordered a racing smaller screen to check out for more rapid paced riding.
  3. okay found the site & omg £185 for both... but the 'adapter' also works with the original screen...hmm tell us how you get on please.
  4. ;)
    #4 Hyperextended, Jun 2, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2016
  5. Yeah I'm 6'2" also. I would definitely have tried the adaptor first but thought at £100 for both it would be OK. I'll let you know the result
  6. I'll have a look at eBay. Cheers for the heads up. 17k? I feel slightly better
  7. 20160529_144911.jpg 20160529_144849.jpg 20160529_144840.jpg 20160529_144831.jpg I have bought the screen spacer and the accessory bar. Fitted but not tested.
    I used a MRA screen and drilled out the holes to fit the original screen rubbers and bolts. Should be out on Sunday so will let you know.
    I have removed the front second adjustable screen and looks a lot better.
    I'm 5.7 and the wind noise has been really passing me off.
    On fitting I found the frame supplied a little flimsy so ordered the accessory bar and an now much more happy with it.
    I'm surprised the screen won't fit the bike without the spacer as the MRA screen ligns up with or without the spacer.
    • Thanks Thanks x 2
  8. Giving it a go also & ordered the 1/2inch bar, hoping my navihalter will clear the rod! They must be doing well to take three weeks off..
  9. I know I bang on about this, but I've just fitted my Wunderlich deflector to the standard screen this week in preparation of our European trip. It's a brilliantly made bit of kit that can be adjusted until you get the perfect set up. At €90 it's not cheap, but it's excellent quality.

    With this fitted and the screen in the upper position I can sit in totally clean air at 95 MHP, the only pressure is on my shoulders. If you stand up on the pegs slightly you can feel the wind roar that's going over your helmet. I was going to try this on the Puig touring screen I'd also bought (which I'd found very good on my older bike) but it is too high and the deflector sits in your eye line.

    Wunderlich VarioERGO screen deflector
    Also sold by Nippy Normans in the UK
  10. Just wondering if this setup (Palmer) would work on the short carbon screen as well ??
    #10 GaryO, Jun 3, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2016
  11. Should work with all screens
    • Like Like x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  12. Can't find the adaptor you mentioned on flea bay. Could you send me the link please? Cheers mate
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. ;)
    #13 Hyperextended, Jun 3, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2016
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  14. Twin4me, I like the look of the Wunderlich solution, do you have any pics of it fitted on the multi, and how tall are you, and do you use the seat in the high or low position?
  15. I've currently got it fitted with the standard screen and seat in high position. I'm 5' 9", with the screen on full height it's still below my eyeline. I suspect it would also be OK in the low seat position as well.



    This was on my old bike with a Puig touring screen (which is lower than the new one). I only use it on long trips, the rest of the time I use a short Pikes Peak screen.

    #15 Twin4me, Jun 5, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2016
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  16. When you say the screen was drilled for the bracket do you mean that it has large holes like the original screen?
    Also did you get a tinted one
  17. I fitted the Palmer Product screen spacer/adapter to my 2013 Multi for a trip to Austria last month to reduce the wind roar; it worked well with the stock screen in the lowest position. I'm 6'. With a new DVT arriving this week the PP adapter kit is for sale
  18. How much do you want for the PP adaptor?


    Deaks :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. It'as new. £45 plus postage
  20. Selling my palmer products screen adaptor and 3/4 bar for the DVT at £85 including delivery. That's over £30 off list with delivery.
    Pm me if interested.
    I will put some pics and an advert into the for sale section soon. Also selling brand new inner bag for the back box
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