'new' Top Gear - The Verdict

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bigredduke, May 29, 2016.

  1. Absolute sh**e. I fast forwarded everything apart from the McLaren section this week. It won't be long before I stop watching altogether.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. It is absolutely clear that the BBC had no idea whatsoever why Top Gear was as popular as it was...
    They thought they could replicate it with Evans, and have failed - badly...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. The second program is still sitting on the recorder ...
  4. Sounds like a chunk of your life that you actually can get back, John.
    Unlike the poor lost souls who watched the programme as it was broadcast.

    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. James May said as much shortly after Jeremy Clarkson was sacked, when a reporter knocked on his door and stuck a microphone under his nose. He said it was all about the dynamic between the 3 presenters.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. matt le Blanc is fine
    Evans no bbc need to sack him and find someone esle
    like baron von Grumble
  7. BBC planning meeting:
    Flunkie One: "Hey, market research tells us that Top Gear is a popular show!"
    Flunkie Two: "Hey, market research tells us that Chris Evans is a popular presenter!"
    Overpaid and out-of-touch executive who is in the wrong job: "I've got a GREAT idea!"
    • Like Like x 1
  8. apparently there is a move on to replace the twat with Jenson Button,,,,,,,, i doubt that he would take the job if he has to stick to the current format..
  9. I think they could replace him with Mr Blobby and see an increase in figures just because he's gone. The mistake is replicating Top Gear.
    Top Gear will be on Amazon soon with Clarkson, May and Hammond.
    Look forward to seeing people complaining its not fair they cant watch it because they wont pay for Amazon Prime after they've paid for a TV licence. Where is Funky these days by the way?
  10. Yeah, you have to pay the licence to keep ginger in ferraris whether you like it or not.

    When they sacked Clarkson they should have simply buried Top Gear. If they wanted a new car show hosted by ginger they should have named it something else like "reverse gear" or "false neutral".
    I am sure Gran Turismo will swiftly appear on the MXQ box!
    • Like Like x 1
  11. The unfortunate this is, the show will probably be a success because people will watch anything with Evans on. I used to love radio2 in the mornings and considered myself a TOG but he's ruined it for me. I'm sick to death of hearing about what he gets up to on top gear.
  12. I'll be honest, I thought the 2nd episode was much better than the first! Not hard... But it was better

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. really ? who ? :Banghead:
  14. Agreed - the Baron would be great although I don't think the Beeb could handle the swearing ;)
  15. I actually have Amazon prime......result!
  16. me too, rock on!!!
  17. When does it start?
  18. I'm guessing if you watch telly on freeview and your internet speed is utter shite you can't join the club?
  19. I've got freeview & a 3Mbps internet connection but can watch Amazon and Netflix without too many issues.
  20. My wi-fi status box says I've got 72mbps but I think that's measuring the output from my wi-fi booster. Any video I watch buffers like hell and always takes ages to load so I've assumed I've got no chance of watching TV online.
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