Tt 2016

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by comfysofa, May 29, 2016.

  1. Afternoon racing at the Crosby...
  2. Windy corner - view from the other side...
  3. nice bit of blue sky :smiley:
  4. if you mean in the race, there was a guy came off at speed in , i think , the 600 race , it was on telly from the onboard of following rider, he was apparently " surprisingly " ok, thankfully .
  5. Nah - member of the public....we were up at windy corner (when I took the pic) I thought the mostly blue sky shot gave a summer feeling by the way....we noticed all the passing traffic disappear....then an M5 gunship came down with the sirens going - he stopped and asked "who's come off then?" to which we didn't know...he sped off and then stopped further up the road in the distance to which then pretty well everyone started leaving where we were (picture the scene in mad max when the police cars go past and the recovery trucks shoot off afterwards) we were the last to leave (couldn't see any point in staying up there if there was no traffic) apart from having a nap as it was that quiet... and then came across the lad getting some medical help...judging by the black mark and the position he panicked and grabbed a handful of brembo...the old target fixation thing which i'm definitely guilty of now and again...
  6. have not heard then,, i presume not fatal or it would have made national
  7. Well I'm not sure. My mate who we stayed with said a bloke got off the ferry last week at 6am... Went straight to the mountain and was dead by 7...

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  8. Got back on Saturday from the TT. Never been before so didn't know what to expect . Amazing sums up the whole week. Will I go again . I'm hooked and am already working on it.
  9. yep. I notice this year the plod switched tactics by using unmarked bikes, filming you, not stopping you then you get a summons in the we acquired a roll of pvc tape and a Stanley knife.
  10. sneaky ole plod !!,,, watching the senior the other nite, what happened to the Norton,,i would have thot that at the speed he eventually hit / went throo that barrier that he could have taken most corners, was it a case of focus fixation or did something break ?
  11. Don't know about that... Got back Wednesday night... Been under the weather since..

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  12. If you look at Norton footage from the side you can see his back wheel is slightly up in the air so I think it was a case of just all a bit too much !
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