Rear Tyre Grip/sliding

Discussion in 'Hypermotard' started by Rjkc600, Jun 9, 2016.

  1. so guys my hyper 821 has a consistent habit if slipping the rear wheel when exiting a bend slightly leaned over.

    I find it's mainly on left bends. Tyres are warm as will happen even after a long fast ride out, it'll lose traction easily for a moment as the rear tyre lets go and it slips slightly.

    Running Diablo Rosso II tyres.

    Anyone else getting this?
  2. Could be any number of things, difficult to say.

    Could be riding style, line, body position, throttle habits, cold side of the tyre for a start..
  3. maybe you are just a lttle bitty better on right handers
  4. Easiest thing to check first is that the rear wheel is aligned properly. Only has to be slightly off to cause a minor handling problem. Check your tyre pressure as well. Andy
  5. That's very similar to what mine was doing. I can say was as since I've played with my rear shock this has pretty much disappeared .

    I was blaming tyres to the point I was going to change them but I'm pretty happy with things now. What is your shock on / your weight at the minute. Mine was very soft and only half of the rebound , with it not only 3 clicks from full preload and half a turn from full rebound.
    Really made a difference for me.
  6. Is this with TC on? I haven't noticed it.
  7. TC on in sport. Does it in touring mode also.
    Feels as if the tyres are still cold, but trust me they are not. This is after 40 mins of riding damn quick.

    I'm not massively bothered by it, but I'm pretty sure it's not a 'characteristic' of the bike so if I can resolve in then I will.

    Mr tea - 6ft3, 84kg/13stone. Current shock setting Unknown but I suspect it's on a hard setting. I might lower preload and see if I have give the tyres an easier life. I'm not provoking the rear intentionally, it just 'let's go'.

    So are other Diablo Rosso II riders that ride hard not experiencing this issue? Just so I rule out that these tyres are good enough.
  8. Are you using to much chain lubricant and its flicking over the left hand side of hour wheel . I have used some products that are useless . Use a light coating of wd40 now.
  9. My chain is dry as a nuns foofoo to avoid fling.

    Pretty sure it's tyres at the mo. Gonna put some supercorsa's on I think.
  10. Don't give up on suspension.
    See what it is set at now.
    Your getting exactly what I did. Left side as well. I've pretty much sorted mine and I was on the verge of buying new tyres .
  11. Can't say I get it when the tyres are warm, but at low temps yes, but you might rider harder than me,haven't found to many decent roads to go mad on so far to give you a definite answer ...maybe I should tag along with you sometime you must know some better roads than me
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