Fancy a good view?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wrecked, Oct 26, 2012.

  1. ..................then take a look at this. - 360

    Just saved you £25 by the way. - :eek:
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  2. Was hoping for boobs?? Oh well... :biggrin:
  3. Boobies......a pair of.

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  4. Thanks Wrecked! - where are we atop? - a Londoner will know of course - is it the shard?
  5. looks a lot prettier than at street level!
  6. I find it hard to put "nice view" and "London" together. perhaps it's the country bumpkin in me .....
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  7. Wrecked

    I take it that the Shard is open now to the general public? or where you there for some illicit base jumping?

    Great photo, thanks for posting.
  8. That, is cool.
  9. Wrecked is the top level open? I was only it hotel level (shh do not tell anyone as was not exactly approved).
  10. Perhaps you should visit it some time, you'll find it's a great city.
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  11. Viewing level (72nd floor) opens Feb. 2013.
  12. Need to go there before crowds come, got a way in?
  13. 'Fraid not - suspect security now high.
  14. i love London. I love it even more since i moved out though.
  15. Cheers me up no end to see that you love something funky! :smile:
  16. I visit it frequently. Still don't like it much .... Too big, too crowded, too many people, too much traffic ......
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