So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Awww Merv :Shamefullyembarrased::Shamefullyembarrased::Kiss:
  2. Ah! You know me so well!
  4. A young Isabelle Rosselini - a ringer for this pic image.png
  5. On top of my Diabetes shit and MS DRAMA - I have Venesection (blood letting) every 2 weeks as I have haemochromotosis ( massive iron overload that liver,kidneys and heart can't handle) and they drain 1.5/2.0 pints of blood out of me and put saline into my other arm to reduce my iron levels! The "tube" they put into my arm is like a bic biro and it proper hurts.Fortunately it's only every 2 weeks for the rest of my life! Ho Hum
  6. He must be in charge of credit card PIN number deliveries
  7. Got an e-mail from Costco to say my 2 rolls of polypropylene garage flooring have been dispatched, so I thought it would be a good idea to pull stuff out of the garage and giving it a good sweeping. Tidied my bag of ratchet lashings for strapping the bike down, sorted through my box of oil, grease, chain cleaner/ceramic wax, brake bleeder, WD40 etc and put a tool box together for Thursday. Dug the wets out as a precaution and gave them the once over before putting them in a bag. Had a nice long hot shower and now off to Carole's for spag bol. Don't know what other folks are doing but I hope them that can enjoy themselves do and them that can't, I hope your circumstances change for the better very soon. Andy
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  8. Well I got my Browny points.The Greek dessert I made,called Galaaktoboureko turned out almost looking like the one in the book.
    I made the orange syrup to accompany it,the other day.Mrs Mervyn is delighted.:)
    Here is a picture of said dessert. P1010027 (1).JPG
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  9. I made spag Bol too :)
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  10. Mmmmmmm looks yummy Merv
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. Well,the proof of the pudding will be tomorrow,ha ha.
  12. It's all Greek to me! Gotta say it looks bloody good! And better than that sugary desert they do with the layers of pastry? Sends my blood sugar into hyperdrive
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  13. Hope you enjoy your spag bol as much as I have enjoyed Carole's. Got homemade garlic bread and rhubarb and blackberry crumble as well. Yum :Happy:. Andy
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  14. The first time I made this dessert I forgot to cook the custard filling before putting in the oven.cut into it and had a major liquid spill.Mrs Mervyn saved the day and converted it into a bread and butter and pudding.
  15. Don't what we do without them Mervyn and I don't want to find out :upyeah:. Andy
    #30215 Android853sp, Jun 11, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2016
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  16. Mrs Mervyn is my best friend,and has been for over 35 years.:upyeah:
    • Like Like x 2
    • Love You Love You x 1
  17. It's a very rare thing nowadays! They have made it too easy to bail iut
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Creep ;)
  19. You bet,I'm not daft.:p
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Been to Reactive Suspension in York top guy came back like the MS was on rails :smilecat: so far worth every penny still getting used to the changes but would defo recommend :grinning:
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