Kids & stuff from "The Olden Days"

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rob998, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. I recently taught the eldest Little Monster how to use my record deck, she liked it. She thinks it's a bit weird because you have to keep getting up & down & you have to be careful, but she likes the sound. Ditto cassettes & she thinks my Walkman is cool, sort of, in a retro way. She can't really see the point of my Reel to Reel deck, because it's so big & such a bloody faff. But again, she likes the way it sounds & she likes watching the reels go round. A bit like a dog & a washing machine.... :biggrin:

    However I gave her my old Olympus SLR to play with & explained that you had to put film in it (and explain what film was) & when you had used up the film you'd take it to a shop (or even send it off!!) & then a few days later you'd get your photo's, and a load of them might be crap because you didn't really get the chance to choose which ones to have printed out unless you only got something called a contact print, then you could choose & then wait a few more days... etc etc.. Oh and a decent film cost to buy roughly what a 4gb SD card costs now & then you had to pay for processing & printing, and you could only use it once, not erase it & use again & again...

    The phrase "Does Not Compute" doesn't even begin to describe the look on her face.... And to be honest I totally get where she's coming from, for once.
  2. Twenty years ago or so ago when my niece was a toddler, she stayed over night with my wife and I whilst my brother and S-I-L went out for the evening. The following morning I put the tv on for her so she could watch Barney or one such shite. At the time i had a standard TV and she could not understand that, not having a remote, I had to get up off my arse and physically switch channels on the TV. Her face was a picture :tongue:
  3. Did you tell her all about rationing and the blitz Rob :biggrin:
  4. LOL, but I didn't have to cos they did it in school, and she was horrified ​because sweeties were rationed & you couldn't just buy a huge bag of Haribo & eat them till you were sick....
  5. I love old SLR I used to have my own darkroom equipment.
    For my old job I worked in dark rooms making photo magnetic transfer sheets enlarging reducing , applying screens and half tones all by hand .
    I used to hand develop films splice them splice text in .. Paint them out by hand..
    Or Rubylif them all by hand .

    I also used to love cine cameras .. I still love watching old cine films of when I was a child.. Find it magical.

    My first record player was battery powered , you used to stack them into it and when one finished playing the next came down.
    That was how I first got really into my music.
  6. Tell the little darlings about half-day closing on Wednesdays, no fast food outlets and two-and-a-half TV channels, sixpence pocket money and having to get up at 6am to go and do a paper round, and do they believe you..?

    Told my neice and nephew about living in a council house with crittle windows and no central heating, and they wouldn't talk to their granny for a while cos they thought she was cruel!
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  7. try explaining CB Radio
  8. Oh that brings back memories! Fast food back then was the fish and chip shop!! And who remembers when pong was the new game?
  9. Best was power cuts in the 70s.
    No TV or electronica but family games of Racing Demon by candlelight.

    When the power came back on, so did the TV. Sad.
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  10. its funny to remember having to get off your arse to turn over the goldfish bowl screened, wooden surround TV set....i didnt think anything of it at the time. My aunt had a remote telly and the remote had a wire attaching it to the seem really advanced at the time...When the Atari came out...welll........that was just another world.
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  11. Aaaaah, happy days. Crittal windows with frost on the inside to draw in!!
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  12. What about 'Party lines' or going to the neighbour who had a telephone!!
  13. The phone being made of Bakelite and an operator at the other end of the line who would connect you to the person you wanted to call.
    Not many people had telephones in the 50's but there were lots of red telephone boxes to use-that was a few years before vandals targeted them for fun.
    Also frost on the inside of the sash windows,the windows that were always jamming when you tried to open or close them.Happy Days!
  14. My sister playing "Telstar" on her Dansette record player-again and again and again.
  15. Very short phone numbers. Our number was "Crewkerne 47". A nearby solictor had the phone number "Crewkerne 9".
  16. Taking Corona bottles back to the shop for 10p was it?
  17. Lol I had one of those
    With the ariel mounted on a biscuit tin in my bedroom
    Eventually got one outside
    14 for a copy :-D
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  18. Coin-operated telly and electric meters! And a home haircutting system that you attached to the hoover! Pifco, naturally...
  19. And Betamax
    Push button tv that always broke
    Didn't you tune the Chanel using them?

    Outside toilets :-/
  20. We used to nick 'em from the back of one shop and take 'em to another:upyeah:

    Same with golf balls, we'd burst out of the rough and nick the balls almost before they'd stopped rolling and take them back to the pro shop to sell them.
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