Onesie anyone

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ruffs, Oct 13, 2012.

  1. Apart from the obvious...that it's f*ckin hideous.

    It's not very practical...if all goes well :wink:
  2. Lol :)
  3. Has one of the Teletubbies joined the SAS?
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  4. Either going to be this weekend or next, but everything has to start somewhere. :)
  5. Look out, here comes shooty oh...
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  6. As a marketing guy, I am just fascinated as to how things like this suddenly take off. Who started it, and who was the celebrity who claimed they always wore one (must have been at least one) or the other celebrity who said how sexy they found them? it would only take Kate Moss and you're sorted if you're a onesie manufacturer.

    I haven't worn anything in bed for the last 30 odd years, except when in hospital (and that feels weird).

    The things you learn on this forum.
  7. I'm having a certain difficulty squaring the machoness of the camo, and the childishness of the onesie.

    If in doubt, ask yourself this: would James Bond wear a onesie?


    I rest my case.
  8. this maybe??

    dont forget we all wear leather onesies

  9. You don't want to confuse wynciette with leather, latex, neoprene or other fabrics that, when applied to the right female form, can get the blood racing.

    When Beyoncé starts appearing in her vids in one-piece pyjamas and Hollywood dresses the next superheroine in them (and junks the thigh boots for slippers) you'll know that the onesie has really arrived.
  10. Mr williams.......

    #50 philoldsmobile, Oct 15, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2012
  11. So are they any good under the leathers? Someone will try it over winter? Cheaper'n Skinz ;-)
  12. Awesome onesie Phil!
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  13. Good luck on your date !!

    Onesies have got to be better then those Billy bob thermals with button up bumflaps at the back and suspect yellow stain at front !!

    No I was NOT suggesting Phil wears them!'
    But I see your friend soooo needs one for Christmas as he is not joining in.

    I saw someone in a superman one walking through Ipswich this week however that's probably normal.
  14. I reckon the new fashion of biker wear will soon be chaps made of that onesie fleece stuff in various patterns with tassels and conchos " ride em thermal cowboys yeeeeha.
  15. 5.30 on a Monday just home from work and my 17 year old appears in his 16 year old girlfriends buggs bunny onesie

    when did it all go so wrong [​IMG]
  16. You really should sit him down and talk to him........
  17. these kids will grow up to become addicted to whores who will change their soiled nappies for them and put them in a playpen....countries fkd, im telling ya.
  18. Lol my son has got one too at the weekend I have exceeded my photo limit grrr
  19. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1351532823.631203.jpg

    Oh hang on there you go

  20. agggh they're breeding
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