British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. aye, good for nothing :Angelic::smileys:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. That would probably be the side with least moss growing on it :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. more likely depend on whither you been given a visa and had a health check...
  4. No need to insult our Scottish neighbours,brother,I'm sure they won't be bringing any infectious diseases with them
  5. please try to keep up :Banghead:
  6. Indeed - I'm not sure whether or not I should feel insulted :laughing:
  7. nah ,, no insult intended,,:upyeah:
  8. [​IMG]
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. I'm quite happy where I am, thanks!
  10. Ditto - It's reached the point where I'm not sure who I'm disagreeing with and over what :confused::smiley:
  11. Jeez, John, you really don't understand.

    People in Scotland will not tolerate Boris Johnson and his ultra right wing pals.

    You also do not comprehend the tactical intelligence of the SNP, even though it's plain to see.

    The Queen
    The EU

    these are all items of continuity of comfort, each maintained to bring as broad a coalition of people as possible to vote Yes. Once out the UK, ditching everyone of the above, one at a time is a doddle.

    Many people voted No on the back of several lies. The biggest being told that the only way to guarantee Scotland staying in the EU was to vote No. The only member of my family to vote No was my Father. He is a royalist and a Tory, and today he told me will vote for independence next time. He is disgusted with Boris and his like.

    You are a citizen of the EU and you were not asked. That's a fact you will have to live with for a few years at least.
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  12. Just been to Tesco, they had bread, milk and eggs. I was served by an immigrant while his boyfriend was stacking shelves with more bread, milk and eggs.

    Move along, nothing to see here. Please carry on as normal.
  13. All parties say what they have to say to get what they want, and the SNP is no different and the difference between lies and spin is wafer thin.
    You will still be a citizen of the UK in two years time, and by then the EU will look very different to what it does today. If you then want to climb out of the lifeboat and onto the deck of the Titanic, you will be free to do so.
  14. not so mate,,, we know exactly what Nic is saying .
  15. I'm off to outer Mongolia to live my life out as a tortoise called Alan..........
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Ffs...the frigging BBC are still earnestly discussing what they perceive as a catastrophe with a parade of naysayers,doom mongers and well spoken dickheads of all political persuasions.
    It's because of people LIKE THEM that the majority of average Joe voted to bale out of the EU.
    Where do they get these fuckwits? They THOUGHT they knew it all at the last General Election! WRONG!
    They thought they could scare the shit out of Joe Public this time! WRONG!
    And now they are fucking discussing what I THOUGHT,what I WANT,and what I FUCKING THINK!
    And as usual they DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CLUE!
    They think I'm cool with seeing shite piled up at the side of the road because the EU say it's someones fucking culture that should be protected
    They think I'm cool with fucking cyclists putting themselves in idiotic dangerous positions and then blaming a poor bloody car driver because they get knocked off
    And they think I'm cool with seeing so-called students vomiting their guts up in city centres on Saturday nights and making arses of themselves
    Well I'm fucking not cool with it,any of it,and hundreds of others things that some of you on here like to call,"progress",like stealing peoples pensions or making them stay on for 4 extra fucking years at work AFTER they've grafted for 40 years.
    Listen to Lucaz: he doesn't want to work more than 40 hours a week but he wants everything that previous generations have.
    Wah wah fucking wah...we grafted 60 and 80 hour plus weeks to get what we got pal,so get with the programme,we're sick of hearing how hard your fucking lives are when you know jack shit,and we know that because many of us have seen it all!
    We knew what life was like before the EU,and we've seen it ever since we joined.
    And all it did was keep taking responsibility away from the individual and piling it on to "someone else"...the Police,the NHS,the's all someone elses fault that you are offended or your kid got fat or you smoked yourself to fucking death.
    With any luck...any luck at all....this Leave vote will make people start facing up to life THEMSELVES,and force them to make THEIR OWN DECISIONS FFS
    Want to go to University? Pay for it yourself and stop whinging about it,but bear in mind that a lot of those who don't will be earning money and buying houses long before you do,'cos you'll be pissing it up the wall while others are getting their hands dirty grafting.
    Don't wanna go to to Uni? Then your back will be fucked after forty years of plastering but you'll have the crack and your semi will be paid for that much quicker!
    Motorcycles are fucking dangerous! If you want to live forever don't fucking ride one but don't try to tell me that 160hp is too much for me or I'll punch your fucking lights out...
    Now Mr BBC you know why I voted out...fuck all to do with racism,fuck all to do with immigration,just get your fucking over educated nose out of mine and every fucker elses business!
    If I'm not hurting anyone else,it's got FUCK ALL TO DO WITH Y-EU!
    #357 Lightning_650, Jun 24, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
    • Like Like x 19
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  17. And breath :upyeah:
  18. I literally DETEST the BBC and Channel 4..I don't have to pay for ITV or Sky but even the thought of my contribution to this bullshit makes me feel sick
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. I thought Alan was a Partridge, or is he transgender now. I thought he was slowing up a bit lately...
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