British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Mongolia is not a good place to be a tortoise, there's no shade.
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  2. But it seems the Eurocrats have a different timetable. Can't wait to be shot of us and relishing the punishment to come. Time to negotiate some trade deals with India, methinks.

  3. ... we used to live in a paper bag in a septic tank....
  4. They are just hurting and reacting, give it chance to calm down. We can serve 50 whenever we want.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. People!
    It's time to put away all the negativity you learned as a wee bubby at your mum's knee when she first told you that you are Scottish and embrace a brighter, slightly less ginger future together in the UK*!

    *but not together in the EU - let's not dwell in the dim, distant, dreary past!
    Wow. A genuine 9/10 rant. Good effort.
  6. 160hp is a bit much, 150 maybe, but 160, feck that.

    I just had a thought this morning, this country could start having some fun and stop being such a shit hole for feckin political opinions and politicians taking crap everyday on the news. I always believed that if you push people too far, they will bite back, its time the media started to be positive and support the majority vote.

    Anyway back to fun, on my way to get first done on the bike, so I'm doing my bit. Good morning.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Yeah I read that, he's not far from the truth in regards to why people had their
    Couldn't agree more, all I've seen and read so far is doom, gloom and talking down the country, half of which voted out.

    In my opinion if you can't at least act with some dignity and show pride in our country you should be removed from acting as an mp
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  8. Thanks to the UK, sanctimonious, condescending, self serving politicians the world over are shitting themselves, cheers Guys :upyeah:.
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  9. Interestingly, it is possible for Scotland to remain in the EU and the U.K. despite England voting to leave. Denmark, the Faroes and Greenland are all part of the same realm but only Denmark is an EU member.
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  10. Viva la revolucion !
  11. I voted out, but will be glad that we won't have to listen to that idiot any more, now that the only thing he really stood for has now happened.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Credibility

    A week or so before the vote we had a company meeting to be told to vote remain. A leave vote would trash sterling and importing product from our German factory would be too expensive. Jobs would have to go. Yesterday, we got an email to say, don't worry, business as usual. Right now, I am wondering what is the truth? Can I trust him? Is he just telling everyone it's all ok because he doesn't want a stampede of people resigning in favour of more secure companies. Think I might run silent and keep periscope up.

    Cameron, who learnt nothing from the Indyref, invoked project fear again. Does he know it will all be ok and has quit because his credibility is shot? Or did he implement project fear because he himself didn't have the bottle to own up to his mistakes and fall on his sword?

    Time will tell. From his point of view calling referendum was a big mistake. EVEL will prove to be a big mistake.

    He was never going to win this. He didn't have the most significant elements of the MSM on his side, something the Scots on this board highlighted to everyone else on this board. A media which generally exaggerated all the negatives of the EU and never emphasised the positives. I never heard him once properly explain the benefits of the EU or explain the need for some social and employment laws to be common to all eu countries. Alan Johnson did, but that was the night before the vote.

    He broke his promises on immigration, which in itself had got to levels where the character of whole communities was changed. Nothing was done for these areas.

    He never once owned up to the fact that the reason people can't see a GP or get kids into a local school had nothing to do with the Poles next door and everything to do with his austerity politics and persevering with an incompetent chancellor that thatcher would have fired several times over. His austerity politics fell upon the indigenous population who suffer disability etc the hardest. It fell upon women harder than men. Women would otherwise have been more likely to remain. Your local neighbourhood east European was working and contributing to society, so it didn't affect them. No wonder a large section of "labour voters" were pissed off. The spineless weasel accepted none of the responsibility for societies problems and instead tried to intimidate people into ensuring he kept his job.

    Cameron has gone because of his errors and his lack of bottle in owning up to them. The quicker Gideon goes the better.

    How ironic that the Queens 4th and 5th cousins are responsible for the downfall of the Union.

    Credibilty? Cameron has none.
    • Like Like x 2
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    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  13. Nail on the head regards Cameron
  14. I see the UK's credit outlook has already been cut down to negative.

    Roll on the recession you clamoured for.
  15. You going to take seriously the opinion of a private company that got it spectacularly wrong in the run up to the last recession in 2008?
    Take a look at the ratings they gave to the banks etc that caused it,and then ask yourself whether you,or anyone else,should consider their predictions with any import.
    They haven't downgraded the UK's credit rating,it didn't matter to the rest of the world when they downgraded France a while back and it won't matter if they do it to us.
    The media are pushing it as if it has some significance,but just like GDP figures or Tesco share prices they are completely meaningless in the real world.
    Unless you own Tesco shares of course.If so,you should have taken heed of the warning that the value of your investment may go down as well as up.
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  16. I hope I don't have to say "I told you so" but I believe that I will.
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  17. If you are determined to find negativity,you will.
    Nobody gets everything their own way,so you can choose to ignore everything good that happens in favour of the bad.
    Bit like the atheist newspaper headline about Jesus when he walked on water:
    "Breaking news! JESUS CAN'T SWIM"!
    • Like Like x 1
  18. You are only worried because the cost of snow might rise...... :wink:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  19. "Under my shell......."
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