British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. What that does is underline the idea that the EU elite are totally convinced that they are in the right and the solution to their problems are more of the same and that the EU is unreformable.

    Here is a clip from last night's Newnight, the whole interview is worth watching if you can get it.

    Evan Davis makes the mistake of challenging Hannan on an apparent U turn but the reality is that the referendum was fought on a Remain/Leave ticket and a Remain result would have underlined the EU elite's belief that they are absolutely on the correct course. Now, following and Out vote, maybe a reappraisal of what the EU is can take place, but I doubt it. Hannan hint's however that there may be room for some form of fudge where we remain part of some of the institutions of the EU as part of some kind of deal. Whether that would be acceptable on the Continent who knows, the French journalist on Newsnight prior to Hannan thought that Britain was arrogant to assume that we mattered so much, but I think we do and she was deluding herself.
  2. I retired early...........but wish I hadn't.

  3. Almost brought a tear to my eye, that did.....
  4. @damodici you clearly know little or nothing of Scottish politics but that's cool how could you or even why would you?
    but yip she will be playing to her audience right now, judging opinion, reassuring our migrant friends (hopefully no more tears in my workshop).
    if you want to see bouncing check out our tory overlord fluffy mundel.
    how will she gain support for another indi reff? looking through the sites there was a few, no idea what % but a good healthy dose of brexiters within the YES movement.
    like wise a lot of no voters including migrants (fecking hate that word) because of the threat of being removed from the EU after indi.
    also a general realization of the promises that have been broken tactics used and current direction of travel at westmonster. you also maybe arnt aware of just the general acceptance that they are v.competent in government but again how or why could you?
    why does she always look so angry? do you mean why doesn't she look more subservient/ grateful?. personally i am surprised she still looks so hot :Hungry::Smuggrin: after the last 4years of continual debate and reffs and elections. successful outcomes from the Scottish bill (every snp amendment voted down by english MP's) EVEL anyone? v.little reporting on that from SBBC, fiscal framework negotiations (an attempt to claw back 7bill over the next 5 years despite a no detriment clause) discovered and scuppered. little or no reporting of that in the BUM or SBBC .
    time is on our side re indi. every time a torys open it's gob it puts another nail in the coffin :upyeah::smileys:
    tartan torys or saltire Stalinist, which one is it? probably every thing in between. they are supported by a v.broad church. i guess thats why we are becoming seen as more stable than our cousins across the boarder. :Mooning::smileys:
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Not proving her point there at all john :Banghead:
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  6. next it will be the turn of the people of Scotland to speak..
  7. I'm learning from you @finm :)
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  8. i think i have said this a few times on ere now i didnt visit any of the indi sites leading up to indi reff. figured it would just be dodgy propaganda but i have come to the conclusion i would rather trust an online crowd funder than a dead tree scrolls rabble rouser
  9. Sometime, When you're feeling important
    Sometime, When your ego's in bloom
    Sometime, When you take it for granted
    That you're the best qualified in the room

    Sometime, When you feel that your going
    would leave an unfillable hole
    Just follow these simple instructions
    And see how it humbles your soul

    Take a bucket and fill it with water
    Put your hand in it up to the wrist
    Pull it out and the hole that's remaining
    Is the measure of how you'll be missed.

    The moral in this quaint example
    Is do just the best that you can
    Be proud of yourself but remember
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  10. No, I knew exactly what I was writing and I think she was simply wrong ;).
  11. If you think that the UK's exit from the EU, if it ever happens, will not leave a hole that needs to be filled by trade agreements, something Germany is already accepting, then think again.
  12. what you going to negotiate with tho jv?
    My own view is that to win a referendum the SNP needs to be prepared to bite the bullet of a Scottish pound – in some ways it already exists – with different countries treating the notes issued by Scottish banks differently from BoE notes.

    Making that formal with a Scottish central bank is do’able, and it would be backed by the asset share of the BoE, and in many respects a ‘hard’ currency backed by oil. The real challenge would be to limit speculation. Economically, Scotland outside the UK but in the EU is likely to be better off than Scotland in the UK but outside the EU.

    Much of the current Scottish export economy is hidden because it moves through ports in Southern England and is accounted for as an ‘English’ export. Similarly, Scottish companies headquartered in London are included in the ‘London’ economy. No-one (unless it’s as closely guarded a secret as the McCrone report) really knows the true economic position of Scotland at the moment, but there is a very clear incentive for Westminster for it to be minimised ‘on the books’. I have a strong suspicion it is nowhere as near as small as currently claimed. That’s even before re-evaluating the Scottish fisheries that were traded away to the EU in exchange for financial services clauses to benefit London banks.

    As I posted elsewhere: The EU seems to be currently inclined to respond to Brexit with two fingers (quite naturally), I wonder if they might be persuaded to be mischievous and treat a newly independent Scotland as the successor state, with a Schengen opt out to allow for free movement between Scotland and rUK. All very interesting. Add in rebuilt industry as the new English-speaking beach-head for manufacturing for the EU, and a container port for the East coast – it could all be very interesting. Benefits all round, continuing membership, continued access for EU fishermen to Scottish waters, etc. Naturally tradeoffs would be required, but as we sacrificed fishing rights for London financial services deals, Scotland has a strong hand. So – who’s talking to Tesla about manufacturing in Linwood?
  13. cut and pasted btw.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. To be fair finm, the rest of the EU's markets have come off worse than ours and that's why they're trying to speed things up.

    It's mainly Junker & other political figures intertwined in the EU giving it the hard line more so than heads of state.

    The uncertainty doesn't help anyone but neither will rushing in to things

    The dust needs to settle that's all, toys will be picked up soon enough
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  15. yip. i guess we will need to see if being calm and pragmatic will be allowed. nether of which sells story's.
  16. Whatever the agreements are with the EU it will have to be a compromise, not only between the UK and the EU but between those in the Tory party who were Out and those who were Remain.

    48% of the population and 75% of the MPs wished to remain and those views have to be taken into account.
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  17. Whilst not out of the question it does sound very optimistic.
  18. I tell you what I am sick of, and it's the snivelling hipster crowd making declarations of shame and apologising to all their European friends for leaving them on social media.

    Aren't these people meant to have had an education?

    Since when did leaving the EU mean that we're no longer European?

    Honestly they're so hysterically wet it's embarrassing.....grow some backbone
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  19. Having just watched the news on TV i would 100% guarantee that if we had the same referendum tomorrow then the result would be reversed.

    Frightening that people they interviewed who now wondered whether they had done the right thing by voting Out.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  20. Absolutely spot on!
    The EU is not,(nor any other organisation for that matter),indispensable.
    No matter how much some might claim otherwise,life will go on,trade will continue,the sun will still rise.
    Most people within the EU will not notice our departure,and the vast majority in the UK will not miss being a member of the EU.
    And that is exactly how it should be.
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