Pumpkin anyone???

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pixie1276, Oct 30, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]

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  2. I'd rather stick wasps up my arse than eat that.

    But they look cool enough tho! :upyeah:
  3. Just had pumpkin pasta...mmmm loved it :)
  4. im 29 and ive never done a pumpkin. first attept tonight and liturally just finshed it
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  5. Well that's pretty good for your first one!!
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  6. Awwww bless, I got D to scope all the crap out !!! He loved that bit thank god!!
  7. Scoop not scope!!
  8. Just finished mine...



    My personal fave... Took me bloody hours

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  9. They are very good! Loving the last one!
  10. Sorry, but this confession made me PMSL. :upyeah:

    Superb pumpkin art, people, superb :smile:
  11. this is my significant others


    and that's all I have to say about that
  12. OMG...is that a knob I see on the top right? :eek:
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  13. wash your brain clean young man

    its a hand holding an arse
  14. i'll be ignoring the incessant knocks at the door tonight...bloody kids begging on the streets..where are we, fekkin calcutta?? In the morning i'll be able to make a nice battered omelette with the eggs and flour deposited upon my windows.
  15. It's pouring down here so far so quiet
    Let's hope it stays like that :)
  16. Well my hands don't have a knob instead of a thumb!

    Thats a wicked sence of humor whoever carved it! :upyeah:
  17. not a single knock here,,, my line of Haribo's to the cellar wasted
  18. I'm not surprised with that on your pumpkin....the bloody kids will think jimmy saville lives there! :tongue:
  19. [​IMG]

    (Go away) :upyeah:

    Peeing down here, never been so glad for torrential rain. :biggrin:
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