Shocked by M&P Swansea disregard for Tyre safety selling 4.5 year old tyres ! BEWARE

Discussion in 'Tyres' started by sim900sl, Oct 31, 2012.

  1. How shocking are M & P motorcycles ! just received my "new" Bridgestone tyres ,
    The front was made in wk 14 2012 which is fine, However the rear was made in Wk11 2008 ! thats over 4.5 years old, M&P werent bothered by this and said not to worry as it still had a year left on warranty (out of 5) they couldnt even work out the basic maths that meant it only had 20 weeks left.

    I certainly wont be fitting it and have told them to collect both, I urge all you other riders to allways check date codes when having new tyres fitted.

    I certainly wont be buying anything from this lot ever again as they didnt really get that they could be held to account if something terrible happened !

    Rant over :)
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  2. May be better going to the smaller traders, M&P have a massive warehouse from which this was dusted off?? :biggrin:

    Strict stock rotation on tyres though? They will probably get sent a 2009 tyre to replace it?

    ** Get Pirelli Rosso II's, damn good tyre, plus they have only been out for like a year so no risk of an old one! :upyeah:
  3. Tyres stored properly suffer little deterioration. However, that's still pretty old, and I'm not sure I would have been pleased about it either.
  4. Well i aint risking it !
  5. What age can a tyre be safely used till? My lads 620 Multistrada still has the original tyres fitted in 2005; no cracks and still grip OK, just coming up to 4000 miles now.
  6. I think the general consensus is anything over 4 years fron date of manufacture , not so much for cars but bikes why risk it !
  7. Perhaps you shouldn't be a tight wad, and pay full price for the tyres from a tyre dealer:wink:
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  8. My Local Tyre dealer said buy them from people on the net because he can't compete and they are a National Chain , happy to fit them for me , I spend 2-3k on tyres a year for my cars so not particullary tight , just gotta do your research, used M&P since the 80's never again ! Customer service 0 in my book.
  9. A complaint to trading standards is what you really need to do after you get your money back

    And post your story on as many forums as possible because chances are this is not an isolated incident
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Depends how they are stored? ANY rubber will quickly degrade in direct sunlight/ultraviolet, will dry up its natural oils and minerals (like skin) and dry out/perish/crack... not good when its a tyre and you depend on said tyre for keeping red paint off the road!

    I always keep any rubber parts wrapped in foil, in an airtight bag if needs be? Def. out of direct sunlight. :upyeah:
  11. Well at least you now know why they're so cheap. ​Caveat emptor.
  12. At least you now know why they are cheaper. Caveat emptor.
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  13. Oh, I'm repeating myself:eek:
  14. Yeh I'm really annoyed about this , it just wasnt good enough , I have wasted 30 mins photographing writing a nice letter , just to get this idiotic reply

    I quote Thank you for the email we arehaving spoken Bridgestone these tyres have a 5 year warranty so this warrantywould cover the tyre for another 12months.
    Thank you

    Its not even English and whicheverilliteratemoron wrote it hasnt even got any basic maths skills, I followed up with a phone call and the guy I spoke didnt want to understand the severity of this and felt they would not be accoutable for selling tyers that are clearly old.
  15. Its not a f**cking auction So Caveat emptor has no bearing one this ( trust me i'm an auctioneer !!), they are a company that supply motorcycle products, and have a duty of care to ensure that they goods they supply are of merchantable quality and are fit for purpose . Period !

  16. Sorry Simon, but I'm failing to see why you are so angry about this. You went for the cheapest tyres you could find and then found out why they're cheap. Do you check every set of tyres you've ever bought? If not, how can you be sure your local tyre fitter wouldn't tuck you up in the same way?

    By all means ask for a refund if you're not happy, but trying to diss a company on the internet on the strength that you should have received first class service for your budget spending just doesn't wash with me.
  17. Theres nothing "wrong" with the tyre as such other than it is old? You could fit it to your bike, it would inflate and as long as you wernt too MotoGP on your commute/Sunday it would be fine? If the datestamp wasnt there then you would be a happybunny and fit your new hoops no prob?


    I went downtown to buy a pair of workboots as mine were knackered... I tried a few pairs on in the shop, found a pair I liked and went to the counter.

    "Have you got another pair of these please?"

    "Whats wrong with those?"

    "Half of Trowbridge has stuck their stinky feet in them! I want a NEW pair"

    "Sorry, only got those in that size? They're alright!"

    "They aint!" "Seconhand as far as Im concerned, what would you take off them?"

    "Cant do that, they're new!"

    "Well you keep them then"

    (walks out of shop)

    Same scenario, where their head is up their arse to such a point that they cannot see what is acceptable?

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  18. I check every tyre I buy and so should everyone especially when it comes to two wheels, I expect first class service from a proper company, I'm angry because next time it might be someone who doesnt check and the old tyre contibutes to an accident simple as that, i feel justified to air this publicly because its not heresay etc its fact.

    Can I conclude from this that you never buy anything from the internet just your local high street. Right

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