1200 R Exhaust

Discussion in 'Monster' started by Kempy, Jul 3, 2016.

  1. First of all hi all.
    I read all threads and am often on here but I rarely contribute - I'm miserable like that - so many of you won't recognise me but rest assured I'm always lurking in the shadows.

    Anyway, I'm about to jump ship from a Multistrada 1200 to a Monster 1200r.
    As the thread title says what exhausts have people been fitting? Termi are of course the default option but has anyone got any experience of anything else. I like the look of the SC - Project jobbie...thoughts anyone?

  2. I had an SC Project exhaust on my Multistrada (2014 S Touring) and it was nicely made, but the short single pipe was LOUD, even with a baffle. I liked it, but I felt a bit anti-social at times.

    I must admit when I rode the Monster R demo bike it was really quiet. Needs a half-way house - in my opinion it needs a longer silencer to provide a little more sound deadening.
  3. I only picked up the 12R yesterday and not planning on changing the exhaust until the first service so I've got a bit of time to decide - but right now I'm leaning towards the SC-Project. I think the single can shows off the rear wheel better and let's face it even with the discount my dealer has offered me on the Termi (15% off) the SC-Project can will be a damn sight cheaper. This'll free up some dough for a few more carbon trinkets.
  4. The termi will have a upmap key, SC project won't so relies on the original map to fuel it.

    Personally I'd want the upmap, for peace of mind that my engine is running sweet.

    Not saying the SC project will kill your bike, but a map will certainly make things run a little more suited to an upgraded exhaust.
  5. Nearly EVERY single aftermarket exhaust I've seen says that it doesn't need any mapping changes, so it's confusing as to why the Termi's would
  6. As Ian says. SC-Project boast that the slip on works well with the standard mapping.

    Hasn't it always been the case that slip-on's are fine but full systems need a remap?
    Could be wrong and I'm far from an expert that's always been my rule of thumb
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  7. Think I'd agree with that - if your're altering the main down-pipes (usually larger) then it's going to change the pressure's and will need changes to fuelling. Thing is, the Termi's are also a slip on so .......
  8. My view is that that rule is fine for older Bikes, but newer tech bikes with a CAT fitted could well have some fuelling issues as a result.

    Not 'needing' a remap doesn't mean the fuelling at hot idle won't be bad. Oxygen sensors control closed loop fuelling so at idle and part throttle the ECU will alter fuel trims based on the sensors reading.

    My 821 definitely ran nicer when original exhaust than with the MIVV that I've fitted.
    #9 Rjkc600, Jul 6, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2016
  9. Oki, good to know. I'm new to the 'new' bikes. 27 years since my last bike, so it was carbs + jets in my day !!
  10. I have the full termi system on my 1200 stripe, fatter headers, and it comes with a remap.
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  11. The 1200R already has fatter header pipes over the S and the Termi's for the 1200R only consists of the slips on as far as I know
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. That's correct, I have the 1200R with Termis and it is only possible to buy slip ons, I wanted a full system but it doesn't yet exist presumably because header pipe diameter is already larger than other models.
  13. Thanks for the clarification. That's exactly my thoughts. Strange that Ducati think it needs a re-mapping when only the silencer's have changed.
  14. My thoughts Ian on why they need a re-map is due to the bore of the Termis is larger than the Euro4 end can, meaning the flow output is different to standard. Its only a thought as I'm no mechanic :eyes:
  15. Whatever the reason, it certainly makes the response feel more immediate and smoother through the midrange than the demo I rode with the standard exhaust. Not sure if other end can options without the upmap achieve this or just create more noise. If only for childish reasons it's worth having as when the ignition is switched on and it says "racing"
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. I also think it would probably be smoother - for £1350 it bloody should be Lol
    • Funny Funny x 2
  17. +1 on your comments Ducatiduc.

    I was also told at a recent track day at Caldwell Park that the 'boom' from the Termis could be pretty much heard across the whole circuit! The sound test with baffles out at 5000 rpm was 103dB
  18. Had my first service now. Happened to see a 1200R (waiting for it;s owner) which had Termi's on. Dealer started her up for me. So impressed - put my order in !!
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  19. Yeah I saw your post on the other thread that you'd taken a punt on the Temi's. I still can't decide what I want. All I know is I want rid of the standard pipes - 'kin ugly and weigh a ton I'm sure.
    Fair play to you for making a decision, think I need someone to make it for me :confused:
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