Trip To Italy - July 2016

Discussion in 'Touring' started by Pete1950, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. Now that I am nearly healthy again, I am contemplating a two-week Italy trip in July by Multistrada. May need to take a more relaxed schedule than before, as age creeps up on me. What I have in mind is something like this:

    2 July - set off, tunnel, across France
    3-4 July - cross the Alps, into Italy
    5 to 13 July - tour of Italy taking in Verona (Rotunda), Ravenna, Siena, Tivoli, Rome - includes staying with friends in Sabina
    14 July - head back north
    15-16 July - cross the Alps and France, tunnel, and home

    A bit over 2,000 miles all together. I have not booked anything yet, but will need to soon. Not decided which routes over the Alps to take - maybe the St Gotthard one way but taking the pass, not the tunnel. This time I shall plan to omit Italian sights I have seen previously (such as Bologna, Florence, Pisa, Lucca, Naples).
    #1 Pete1950, Jun 1, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2016
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  2. Slight change of plan, on these lines, allowing a bit more time:

    8 July - set off, tunnel, across France
    9-10 July - Across Germany, Austria, the Alps, into Italy via the Brenner Pass
    11 to 21 July - tour of Italy taking in Vicenza (Villa La Rotonda), Ravenna, Siena, Tivoli, Rome
    Staying with friends in Sabina
    22 July - head back north
    23-24 July - cross the Alps via the St Gotthard, France, tunnel, and home.
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  3. The Germany through Austria to Italy route has become my preferred route. Each time spending longer in Germany as the roads and scenery are stunning.The added bonus of this route is that through Austria you can purchase a monthly motorway pass as opposed to the yearly one needed for Switzerland. Out of Austria in to Italy and play a few days round Lake Garda.
  4. Getting close now. About to book tunnel crossing 9.20 am train, Friday 8 July. But first I have to get the DVT serviced by Snells this week, and see the Oncologist on 1 July. Then I hope I'll be ready to set off.

    I have tried out my new helmet (Shoei Neotec) and larger footrests (MTS Enduro parts) - both excellent. Also tried putting the seat in the lower position; having long legs I have always found the higher position OK, but I thought it was worth trying the alternative. Still not sure which height I prefer more.
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  5. Hope that you bought your euros before last week, they are now going to cost you more! Have a great trip, and should you venture over this side then let me know.
  6. Yes, I did buy £500 of Euros earlier, just in case. That won't pay for the whole trip, but it's a start.
  7. Last year while in Austria I got a 10-day motorcycle vignette, which is priced very reasonably (unlike the Swiss ones). I'll probably do the same again.
  8. I have had very good news today - the doctors have given me the all-clear following tests. So now I am just on review every three months starting October. This means I am good to go on my Italy trip starting in a week's time.
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  9. That's truly great news, Pete. :upyeah: I hope you have great trip and if you take any pics and feel like sharing them then I, for one, would like to see them.
  10. Great news, if you find your self well of track and are in this area then let me know. Today's trip out. DSCN0524s.JPG
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  11. Today I am getting packed ready to set off for the EuroTunnel early tomorrow morning. Clothes, waterproofs, toolkit, first aid kit, satnav + paper maps. I try to be as well-prepared as possible but trying not to get too obsessive.

    Not booked hotels - I'll find places to stay as I go along, depending how far I get each day. Basically cross France Friday, cross Germany Saturday, cross Austria and into Italy Sunday. Then work my way down towards vicinity of Rome by about next Thursday.
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  12. Nice, super envious!
  13. Safe travels and have a great time. Keep us updated so we can live your trip vicariously through you!
  14. Thanks again Keith. Looking at the map, I notice that in fact Orvieto lies directly on my intended route and I shall be sure to spend some time there.
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  15. We had a couple of nights there while my friend waited for a new regulator. We picked it out of rough guide that I carried as nearest place of interest to get stranded in. If you visit the caves you have to prebook a tour in town centre office.
  16. Beware of the heat. It was 32c today here in this part of France and is forecast to be hotter for the next week or so. I would guess that it will be the same across most of southern Europe.
  17. Bon! Gut! Buono!
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  18. Good news Pete.Have a safe and enjoyable trip.:upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Buono viaggio, if Google Translate can be trusted, and safe journey, if not.
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