Visor Water Repellant

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Pablo Pirate, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. Howdo!

    Wondering what people are coating there visors in to combat this s%£t weather, no Mr Sheen!!!! How easy is it to put on? Does it smear? And what sort of speed do you have to do before it starts to bead of the visor.
    Any info welcome cheers

    Cheers Pablo
  2. Anything wax based. Some here mention candle followed by polishing off. Have used mr sheen plenty in the past. Bob Heath on the inside.
  3. I've used rainex in the past which is ok, just doesn't last very long imho.
  4. I used a something from the £1 store called Rainaway or summat like that. For £1 it worked ok if you're going over 30mph. And if it don't work for you it's only a pound!
  5. Might have been me?

    Get a soft white candle, doodle it lightly across the front of your visor then polish in with a microfibre, use the same bit of the cloth without changing it or you will polish it off!

    Continue until it goes clear, all rain, fog, snow, treefrog-juice etc will now WHHOOOSH off your visor! Top tip. Bob Heath on the inside. :wink:
  6. Nik Wax Visor Proof
    In proper rain water bobbles until over 40 when it slides off:smile:

    mist and fog it just stays on:mad:

    spray off the road just stays on:mad: ....until over a ton:upyeah:
  7. just keep it very clean, i use klear screen
  8. cant you get any periscope stuff
    l should imagine they must have issues with water on the lens:smile:
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  9. Rainex works a treat if you apply it properly, and while it might cost a few bob my bottle lasted twenty years! Might give the candle trick a try though.
  10. I find that the best solution is not to go out on the bike in shite weather.

    That's what cars are for :upyeah:
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  11. Damn straight!

    "My other bike is a Renault" :biggrin:

    "Ah no, raining again!!" (turns on wipers, turns up heater and stereo) Lalallalalalallala
  12. Not Rain-X. From their website:

    Can it be used on transparent plastics?
    Generally no. The increasing variety of various coatings applied to plastics makes it impossible to pre-test for compatibility under all conditions, and users should satisfy themselves by treating an area outside the normal area of vision. Please note that constant, repetitive use should be avoided due to the possible formation of stress cracking, especially on clear, curved sections.


    I do about 15k miles a year and trust Nik Wax Visor Proof.
  13. I've been using rain-x for twenty years without problems.
  14. ?? Was it cheaper to buy a 5 litre can then? :biggrin:
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  15. Ohh yeah you must have been one of those guys in that massive tailback I past......wasn't it about 3 or 4 miles long
    and then didn't i pass you following that tractor for a couple of miles ....all that empty road in front of was bliss blasting past him

    cars are great for queing up together
  16. And for listening to the radio in. And for shagging in. And they're even better if your employer buys them for you and then gives you a fuel card:upyeah:
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  17. Earlier in the p!ssing rain? Might have been, you were the one I said "Look at that poor c*** getting soaked on his bike..." to. :upyeah:
  18. Why has someone not invented something for rain and fog that works?
    I have a pink stick to try
  19. Im more surprised nobody has invented a clip-on wiper system for visors??

    I dont mind riding in the rain, quite fun with the right gear? The problem being you cant see fk all?

    Some sort of simple clip-on wiper, battery pack at the visor pivot, a single wiper north-south on the visor tracking left-right using a hand-swipe in front of the visor to activate it for single sweeps like the MX goggle roll-off systems, a switch for full-time use - would be amazing!
  20. Blimey, thought this thread was about visor water repellant! He11, you have managed to move a thread downward faster than some of the blokes on here, and that is some achievement. :eek:
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