Shocked by M&P Swansea disregard for Tyre safety selling 4.5 year old tyres ! BEWARE

Discussion in 'Tyres' started by sim900sl, Oct 31, 2012.

  1. What?
  2. You know exactly what I mean.
  3. Yeah, you think it's perfectly fair and proper for something at a cheaper price to be sold without being given a full and proper description.
  4. They are a tyre dealer, they deal in tyres
  5. Aren't you a smart arse
  6. I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect you to pay a first class price for a first class service, but if you're looking in the bargain bucket you should expect quality seconds. Does that make any sense to you at all..?
  7. That is fair enough but the mistake you are making is comparing the op's purchase to a 'bargain bucket' purchase. If the tyres were marked as near end of warranty then fine, but the point the op is making is that this information was not available and should have been.

    Some suppliers who buy in bulk can offer you the same product as someone else but at a cheaper price. Just because he paid less than elsewhere does not mean he should put up with inferior goods. So saying he got them cheap and should expect 'seconds' is bullshit.

    And as for the tyres being near end of warranty, I don't think it would really bother me too much
  8. You keep believing, bud.
  9. As has already been pointed out M&P has not refused to refund them, the distance selling law say they must refund them within seven days anyway, so if the op is not happy to use them send them back......problem solved!

    M&P have not done anything wrong as far as we have been told so far.

    I'd maybe suggest using a smaller supplier with less stock, with a quicker stock turn over, than a large retailer who is known for buying bankrupt stock and selling it on cheaply.....if that makes you happier.
  10. Exactly that.
  11. Oh I see, you think because his tyres were cheap this meant they were not from the same stock as suppliers charging a higher price.

    Maybe that is true, but I would still say that if that is the case (older production dates) the supplier should make it clear to anyone buying them.

    I have bought tyres on 'offer' and there was nowt wrong with them, so not all cheap(er) tyres are from old stock.

    It's hard to concentrate on what you have written with that prancing hippo pissing about!!!
  12. Lucky you.

    There was nowt wrong with the ones the OP bought either, 'cept for the fact they've been in storage a while.
  13. Thank you so much! I agree but still maintain that just because it's cheap doesn't always mean you should expect seconds
  14. And I maintain that you should expect neither the same quality nor the same customer service by buying cheaper. You may find that the cheap Bridgestones on offer at a bulk sellers' were actually made for the Indian market and are made of bakelite. You shouldn't need to be warned of this, common sense would tell most people that a half price tyre is unlikely to be the same spec as a full price one. Sometimes you get lucky...but I'll bet a fiver that you, duked, have no idea what market your tyres were destined for, but because you got 'em cheap you're happy, and that's exactly how it should be.
  15. Made of bakelite? Half price tyre not same spec - even with the same markings?

    I don't know what market they were intended for? How would I?!

    because I got'em cheap I'm happy? If they didn't do their fuckin job I wouldn't be happy no matter how much I paid. Do stop making assumptions
  16. No need to swear.
  17. You wouldn't, that's the point. You say that you should expect the same standard of tyre and the same standard of service even if you buy a cheaper tyre online, and you most probably will, but something's got to give in order for the seller to continue to make a profit and still sell the tyres cheaper. So he sources them from somewhere other than the official channel.

    It's well known that the tyres Kawasaki fit to their bikes at the factory are inferior to the UK equivalent (certainly on the less sporting bikes), even though they're the same brand and model tyre we get over here. The reason Kawasaki fit them on bikes destined for the UK is that they're cheaper than the UK-spec tyres. But the jap-spec tyres are made with english lettering on them, so what's to stop M&P buying those jap-spec tyres instead of the stickier UK-spec tyres? Only an anorak would be able to tell the difference from looks alone. But they're genuine tyres made for worldwide use.

    Still reckon you're getting the same service by buying cheaper..?
  18. Much like cam belts, tyres not exposed to sunlight and heat cycles will not deteriorate in the same way they will when fitted and filled with air (stressed) Fit them, they will be absolutely fine.
  19. Conclusion, I have returned them and am awaiting a credit.
    Some intersting points thrown up in this post !
    One thing people should expect when buying any product from either Bricks and Mortar or the Web is that if the product is described as new (not NOS) it should be exatly that , I buy most things from the web now because its easier and sometimes cheaper, we should expect the same level of service from whichever route we choose to buy from. I was shocked and annoyed by the poor customer service email I received, your company lives or dies by this these days, in fact in the US large companies now employ people to answer customer complaints on social media as its it reckoned you have 10 minutes to reply to bad / good posting, we over here are lagging behind but trust me we will catch up.
    To conclude I think I have nade other people now aware of tyre dating, which isnt a bad thing.
  20. Yes thats true but how do you know where a 4.5 year tyre has been stored , when comapring the two tyres that arrived the older one had some bluish colouring around the edge the newer one didnt .

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