Fair weather rider and bike was tucked away for winter, had 2 prolapsed discs, micro-directory sorted it, happened in Feb, operated in may 18th, at its worst I was bed ridden and 59 painkillers a day, lets just say I wasn't in a good place at end of April, I looked at my messages here between feb and may and you can see I'm off my head most the time!!
Mate, ouch.. have had a back op also so can understand the pain .... Those quantity of painkillers not good, I'll go read your posts for entertainment value then. :Smuggrin: Its great your back on the bike again.. Would take a few rides to get the body used to it after that time off. Let's hope we get some decent weather soon to scrub this rubber in.. Up here in the north west it's been shite
In case you haven't heard next weeks weather forecast....... ....... "THE SUN IS OUT IN VENGENCE NEXT WEEK"!!!!!!!!!!! :Jawdrop: