Hello There Everyone, Any Idea When It Will Stop Raining?????

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by AbriachanDuc, Jul 18, 2016.

  1. Hi there, is it just me or does it seem time that ducati sold a jet ski, coz on the way to Grantown today i could have used one instead of the bike!!!!!
  2. Beautiful weather darn-sarf...too hot almost!
  3. Welcome Dave. I could have done with one last weekend in Jockland :/
  4. Jock land is where the monsoon was today, supercorsas DO need traction control turned up to the max when the road markings are under water!
  5. 33 tomorrow apparently :smiley:
  6. Up here it normally stops raining when it starts snowing.
  7. Tomorrow is going to be good. Then it is raining again on Wed.
  8. I guess the highlands are the place to be for boating & skiing, pity i was trying biking.
  9. Scorchio in York today 28C otter tomorrow...

  10. 31.5 degrees here today

    Still hot and muggy here now

    Hello and welcome by the way you may need to move for sunshine :)
  11. Sweaty boobies? :Hungry:
  12. Talc works fine :)
  13. To repel wandering tongues perhaps :Woot:

  14. Exactly!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. How do you know it's not edible :Oldman:
  16. It's 37 degrees here (near Rome) today. Forecast says only 36 tomorrow.
  17. Not far off that in Devon... :p
  18. it's been non stop and certainly has made Monday a boring day!
  19. Q. Is It Going To Stop Raining Today?

    A. No.
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  20. Nice in Santos, Brazil...:cool::cool:
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