I saw 2 people wearing these today whilst out riding, I'm sure all the car drivers thought exactly the same as me ........tossers! just don't see the point of these vests
This was discussed on the forum ad norsium in 2014 and again in 2015, much with the same tone to the responses. Andy
I think they are probably worn by people who failed the entrance exam to become a GWAB - community support plastic copper known round my way as a grass without a badge due to being morbidly obese,a person of restricted growth or clinically blind? However I don't know how fat you actually have to be to get turned away from becoming a plod because there are some proper heffers in Thames valley plod that I even I could outrun and I'm mudgimg 60 and carry a stick
Ad norsium - From the OED. "Indicating a very long time, possibly so long the writer turns into a Scandinavian, a viking or similar" Always here to assist
"Ad norsium" - a phrase used locally (because I can't spell qilocaquially) as a polite way (no pun intended) to say this subject has been done to death twice before and please can we not do it again. No assistance needed thank you. Andy
Its nice to see someone enjoying their job that much Wouldn't it be easier to not reply that get involved by saying let's not talk about it ? Ha ha
It was only a funny pic... I wasn't expecting to re sit any exams... Not that I took any of any worth..! Apart from typing..! Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Over here in norn iron the last thing ya want to do is pretend to be a police officer , unless your armed and own an armoured land rover .
Unpolite is an alternative for impolite, according to Websters, but I can't find anywhere that suggests polite is an alternative for wanker and yet the person in the Polite tabard clearly thinks it is. What a dickhead.
Wearers of these vests are the folk who never got over being a prefect at school... tried to join plod but were rejected...so spend their weekends pretending to be one and weeknights wankin over the woman from no43 from their neighbourhood watch meetings.....tank top wearing cock smoker!!!!