Unable To Post In Certain Forums....

Discussion in 'Forum How To's - create an Avatar/Event/Group etc?' started by Bullitt, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. As it says - I can't post in certain forums... "I have insufficient privilages...."

    Try to post in the Dealers & Workshops Reviews.

    Any thoughts..?
  2. Same for me.
  3. same here
  4. I smell a rat.....!
  5. Change your socks...?

    @El Toro will be along shortly to tell you he's looking into and bringing his IT hammer to fix it
  6. No seriously, I smell a rat - I'm sure one just ran past me..... ;-)
  7. I'm unable to post in the Multistrada Forum.

    I mean, I suppose I could, but I simply cannot bring myself to do so.
  8. There are secret forums that only a select few can see and use. Subscribers can't see them either. You need to be invited. It's kind of like the online 'Forum Lodge'
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Have you shaved yr beard off?
  10. No idea. Just checked you full profile on the members software and there's no reason why you can't post.

    Have you tried switching it off and back on again? ;)
  11. Yeah, tried all that - still the same...
  12. Same this morning

  13. I had a look earlier there's nowhere that you can write a review on the op original post
    I can see my review in P&H but there isn't an option for anyone to write one
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