British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Maybe alogning more with the states isnt the best plan. Clinton vs Trump?!
  2. Even Trump can't be as bad as Juncker!
  3. I hear you, but I'd rather carry on doing deals with the Americans than have some pillock like Juncker try to give us the hardline.

    I'm not exactly a Trump fan....Unless I'm feeling bloated after a curry......I mean do the Americans know what a 'Trump' is in Britain?
  4. Europe.. Safe? Any been watching the news lately?
  5. I'm sure the irony isnt lost even on them...
  6. Not cerrtain about that. Junker leads a few thousand ignorants, Trump 200 million
  7. That's what I was driving at.....
  8. I knew that :smileys:
  9. Correct. Threads merged :)
  10. That was a wholey different thread. And should stay that way IMO
  11. Only 1 opinion counts remember :Hilarious:
  12. If there's a Democratic majority in the Congress,a Republican President is bit of a toothless tiger.
    I don't care for Trump or Clinton.
    And Obama promised much and appeared to deliver little.
    Don't know that many Americans,but those that I am acquainted with are as unhappy with their politicians/political system as many of us are.
  13. Probably because western systems of government and economics are broken and need fixing big time.

    We are told we need perpetual growth ( a factual impossibility) but that has much to do with the fact governments are permanently in massive debt and can only ever tinker with figures and policies.

    Meanwhile the very richest get richer still whilst paying little or no tax ( Philip Green anyone?) whilst the ever more hardworking and exhausted majority get told that austerity is needed to pay back the debt, told that they have to work longer, their pensions are worth less (or worthless in many cases) and the social systems that look after them in times of need are being cut back to the bone.

    Ever get the feeling you are being cheated?
  14. talking of opinion exe, a while back i asked yah how many car components are made in the uk for cars built in the uk. can you remember your answer? it was just a stab in the dark or opinion wasn't it? living in a country that relies heavily on exports to the EU (nearly half) care to remind us how you replied so i can correct it for you. :Angelic::smileys:
  15. Agreed. And the very last thing we need in the face of this situation is remote, unresponsive, supranational governance by unelected oligarchy propped up by tax-payer funded vested interests and corporate lobbying, which is what the EU represents and what the Clinton/Obama globalists aspire to.
    We need smaller and better government which is more efficient, less wasteful, more representative and devolved outwards and downwards to bring the process of government as close as possible to the people who elect it.
    The delusion of globalism is that it represents and frees ordinary people and promotes some fictitious sense of global community. Really it is a tyranny, an unholy alliance between anti-democracy and corporatism which leaves people feeling ignored, unrepresented and short-changed economically and politically which drives a sense of disenfranchisement and anger leading to the very opposite of peace and prosperity.
    Anti-democratic globalists are not the answer, they are a major part of the problem.
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  17. Or you could argue that the smaller the government the easier it is for it to be dictated to by those with most money.

    There isn't a right answer but if you truly believe that this will be solved by another right wing Tory government then i'm 100% certain you are going to be massively disappointed.
  18. Pmsl so governing systems of the west are broken. Therefore the east must be right, right? N Korea, India, Japan, China. Hot beds of freedom.

    And I'm loving the hint that a large, unwieldy EU govt (elected by over 400m people I'd assume) would be better.....another straw from the cupboard there

    ALL systems seem broken. But it's not the system, it's the greediness of man that's the problem. That man Green being a prime example for cash and power . Cameroon and Blair being ones for power
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  19. I don't agree that small, devolved governments are more easily bought off than large, centralised ones. I think the opposite is the case. Small doesn't have to mean weak, it should mean closer, leaner, more transparent and more accountable. Corrupting big business favours large, remote government where it can better exercise its influence protected from the scrutiny of the electorate behind multiple layers of bureaucracy from whose workings the voting public are excluded. Philip Greens thrive on concealment not transparency.
    And I don't believe the answers are to be found in ideology, whether Tory right wing or Labour left. The problem is structural not ideological. The same cabals, cliques, elites and sclerotic bureaucracies are found across the political spectrum. Although many of them were created by the Left as a means of ensuring a government in exile which could carry on the work of a left wing government after it had been voted from office, though of course, once these anti-democratic structures are in place, the Right are as adept at using them to their advantage as the Left: you just change the staff.
    #2240 Gimlet, Jul 28, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2016
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