Star Wars or Star Trek?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Nov 3, 2012.

  1. Star Wars for me. Every time.

    And no I'm not one of those strange people that dress up like the characters. I just enjoy the films now and again :smile:
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  2. same here star wars all the way!
  3. No thanks! :upyeah:
  4. star trek
    its only logical captain
  5. Both hugely overrated.

    Star Wars massively flawed because no one in their right mind would ever have started a galactic war for some dodgy bint with headphones for hair. Hardly Helen of Troy is she?
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  6. Star wars for the films, but star trek for the series ;-)
  7. Old Star Trek - been watching for weeks on CBS Action.

    Star Wars for the books/movies - old Republic Stuff - love it.
  8. Wars over Trek
  9. I have room in my life for both. Love Star Wars, but really love the Original series of Star Trek. Sometimes I'm amazed I ever got laid :biggrin:
  10. I loved both but my fondest memory is this:-

    #10 Greyman, Nov 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  11. Pulp wars much funnier !!
  12. Star Wars - obvious innit
  13. I love both, and if it wasn't for Star Trek, Star Wars wouldn't exist.

    But if it wasn't for Star Wars, this wouldn't exist:


    So Star Wars gets my vote!
  14. I'm with Anth on this, neither do anything for me. I'd much rather watch Air Crash Investigation. It might sound gory but you do discover why things happened, and what has been done to prevent it happening again. It's actually quite reassuring.
  15. never miind the huge holes in the plot of every film...for instance, in empire strikes back Yoda doesnt want to teach Luke to become a Jedi and Obi-wan has to talk him into it....Why didnt Yoda just say no, after all, HE was the jedi training, no story.

    lord of the rings....the eagles came to save frodo and sam from mount doom at the climax of the film....just after they returned the ring 'back into the fiery chasm from whence it came'.....well after all the fekking around getting there over three movies, why didnt they just hitch a ride on the eagle in the first place? film wouldve been over in, like 20 minutes.
  16. No, don't agree. Many or most plots may have implausibilities - check out the novels of Thomas Hardy for plots based around almost ridiculous coincidences. That's not the point. The thing is, you have to identify with the characters or the mission, without that, it's like looking at a tennis match between two unknowns where you are completely indifferent to the outcome.

    Princess Leia is such a nondescript, plain-looking girl with no redeeming features that you just can't identify with the whole mission in the first place. In fact the acting in Star Wars is astonishingly poor (which you definitely can't say for the Lord of the Rings). The characters are two-dimensional and that is why you (or I in any case) don't connect to it emotionally. I just don't care what happens to them.

    A case in point is Ewan McGregor. Although he was brilliant in Trainspotting, he is absolutely dire in SW (and he is even worse in Angels and Demons).

    Fiction is about suspending disbelief. That is very hard to do in films where you have crap acting, implausible dialogues and plots like a lump of Emmental.
  18. without derailling the thread i actually really enjoyed lord of the rings having read them previously..yes, the books are very fractious but i thought the films did a great adaption..even without tom bombadill who was completely omitted from the film. as a kid i loved star wars (the real star wars)..the acting in all of the films is appalling, but you dont knw about that when youre of the funniest bits in star wars, a new hope is when Luke returns victorious after destroying the death star..leia runs up to him and he shouts excitedly, "CARRIE!!!" (her ACTUAL name!!)..and they left it in...lovely...might as well have the mic bobbing into shot and a reflection of a cameraman sporting 70's sideburns and wearing bermuda shorts...brilliant.
    For utterly shit acting, the worst line in all of the moves has to be that snot nosed, kiss me arse kid who plays annakin when, after the speeder race says in an utterly robotic emotionless voice, that only a child actor can muster, 'gee...that was tense'....fkn shite.
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