British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. dunno mate. ;)but i guess you have made your mind up already. no need ;)for the attitude ;)dude. ;)
    just as a reminder. democracy is a process not an event. :upyeah:
  2. They already are. Heard an interesting half hr prog last week on R4 about negative interest rates, and how that model is on the verge of implementation
  3. attitude? Love being preached democracy by those who refuse to accept it. Nice move

    And was genuise Q: are peolpe still moaning about the stay vote or does it stop? Do I have to avoid all social media until the end of time or just the next 12 momths?
  4. dunno. depends on your temperament i guess. :Smuggrin:
  5. Struggle with fools. Especially ignorant ones. So best avoid then
  6. I don't suppose that interesting prog pointed out that although the banks are thinking about stiffing the saver for looking after their invisible money,they are still charging extortionate rates for lending that same invisible money to borrowers?
    In other words,daylight robbery.
    I imagine it went always,it's the media's job to plead poverty and justification on behalf of big business.
    Screw the saver.Screw the borrower.Stifle small business.
    And make those who shuffle OUR money into multi-millionaires.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  7. it was just about the use of negative int rates.

    what was most interesting was that these highly paid, highly educated and highly experienced economists (that predicted armageddon on Brexit) are talking of 'experimenting' with country economies and make it sound reasonable and acceptable

    in the meantime, EVERYTHING we do is based on the City.
  8. It hasn't worked in Japan.
  9. In most of Europe you pay for a bank account. The UK is fairly unique (can't say absolutely, don't know) in not charging for any everyday banking. I spent 10 years working around retail banking people, who were looking at strategy, product development etc etc and it was discussed at least a couple of times a year. Idea being get people buy an AVA, they get used to paying, migrate over time.
    Then PPI happened...
  10. Well then those in Europe are even more stupid than I had given them credit for.
    Why on earth would YOU PAY an organisation to take YOUR money and then charge someone else for lending them YOUR money?
    A more blatant rip-off there has never been,and a prime example of what is wrong with what the world has turned into.
    Bankers becoming multi-millionaires is hardly surprising when you can foist this nonsense on folk and get them to believe it's one points out those multi millions are being skimmed off savers money,and yet the BBC et al laud these shysters as heroes for making money for their shareholders?
    Please don't try to tell me any different,I KNOW that modern day banking is a scam,and the PPI scandal is probably a smokescreen to hide even worse misdemeanors.
    There was a time even in my life when putting money aside for a rainy day,(or saving up for your mortgage deposit by actually giving up luxuries like going out and getting pissed),was an admirable and sensible thing to do.
    Tonight Joe and Doris Normal are being slated on TV because they are not spending enough:
    Slated ,funnily enough by the same so-called journalists and experts that two years ago were headlining that Joe and Doris were drowning under a mountain of personal debt.
    Whatever you do you are wrong,according to these idiots,who appear to want their cake and eat it while charging the rest of us to see them chowing down.
    No wonder there are Remain halfwits blubbing and sobbing into their warm milk: if so-called intelligent people can be hoodwinked into paying for saving their own money,they can be fooled into anything.
    #2370 Lightning_650, Aug 3, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
  11. Every company has overheads to cover. Its not like banks run for free. I'd much rather they employed twice as many people and I paid a fiver a Month for my account to cover it

    Like insurance co's billions in, not a great deal out.

    Btw I am referring to retail, not those theiving city gits ;)
  12. Retail banking is no different to any other business.
    You get money in,(loan interest/bank charges/whatever),you spend some on overheads,and what is left is profit.
    If Big Bank PLC is making a profit,it means they have covered their overheads and more.The "more",is the profit.
    And the more profit they make,the more they have squeezed either the lenders and borrowers.Or maybe they were so good they got new customers...maybe.
    Executives can pretend they didn't make a profit but still lead lavish lifestyles.Easy,just buy a corporate jet or a helicopter,pay mega relocation expenses,foreign junkets dressed up as fact finding,sponsor your favourite sportsman and call it customer all goes in the legitimate expenses column
    Ultimately,all businesses are about supplying a product or service,and selling it for more than it cost the business to supply it.
    Whether its money or manure,it's all the same old bollocks.
    Everything else is just smoke and lawyers speaking Latin,the more complicated you make something sound,the more likely you are to fleece your customers.
  13. I know business accounts are different, but for ordinary personal banking, the fiver a month option exists - I don't particularly care how many people they employ, but Santander charge me £5 a month I think, usually seem to have a reasonably short queue on the rare occasions I go to a branch, and then pay me 3% on cash balance and also cash-back 1% or so on regular DDs like electricity, telephone and council tax (!).
  14. Banks currently have to pay the BofE to keep their money for them which is why they are talking about charging business for keeping money in their accounts. Yet the same UK government insisted a few years ago that UK banks needed to hold more reserves to make them more resistant to either a downturn in the economy or a banking collapse. Yet you and I are being asked to pay for it. It's a measure of how bankrupt the world economy is now. It's being run for the benefit of a very few but the hardworking majority are paying the cost of it.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Just one example of scum behaviour by the thieving barrow boys of British banking,assisted by their light fingered accomplices in the House of Commons.
    Barclays charges widow, 90, £177,000 to repay a £22,500 loan
    This sort of thing should never have been allowed on to the market,but that's why ex-politicians get comfy seats in city boardrooms
    #2375 Lightning_650, Aug 4, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
  16. naw!, no way man. no chance MP's, finance ministers and bankers supported by their tax avoiding publications including the BBC would lie about these things. no chance. well. when i say no chance i mean no chance they can be selective enough to report the balanced truth about BREXIT but not about the finances and policies of say, a certain non Unionist devolved country's (yip i said country's) government. nope, no chance atoll. they just wouldn't do that. would they?
    why social media these days brad? because you have to if you want to find the other side of the story that the vast majority of the BUM wont report. the BUM is dying and they know it. up until fairly recently i avoided social media and what i thought was dodgy propaganda sites like the plague.
    here is a classic example. its got indi 2 as the title therefor it isn't proper investigative journalism?. how can it be if it wasn't written by torrance or cochrane or reported with a sneer from Jacky Bird?
    give it a wee look. its got four story's supported with video. a wee bit on independence but more about corbin and brexit.
    Unreporting Scotland – Bias by omission – Towards Indyref2 …
  17. up untill three years ago i would of defended the BBC or other so called reputable publications.
    but now you will never convince me jurnos and presenters are not hired for their social/ political leanings or put under immense pressure to sell a line. (kind of like a QuickFit Fitter) i could post a gazillion storys like this but here is one i found 10 seconds after the last post.
    River City star was hauled in and censored by BBC over indyref tweeting | News | The National
  18. Its all about sensationalism and the need for 24hr news. Every piece is led with the negative and hyperbole frequent
  19. you would think these channels could pad out the time more just by reporting some proper investigative journalism. by just reporting the other side the could half the need for constant dirge.
    people can handle the truth. or at least a bit of balance.
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